White streak under chameleon


Nearly 6 month old jackson chameleon. He has a white streak from his chin/neck (not that close to his mouth or what would be a lip, but literally under his head) that leads to his belly and stops right around there. It fades away when it gets to his belly. I will try to get a picture soon but he is frightened of my black phone. I know it is not excess supplement powder that got there, it is actually a part of him. I do not think it is him getting ready for a shed because it has been there for a while and just sort of spontaneously appeared. He finished his last shed around May 30th.

For the record I believe I am doing everything right, with giving him some natural sunlight every now and then. He has a good enclosure set up, proper temperatures, plant, water and food. The crickets he eats are fed a healthy gut load that I made, filled with things like apples, butternut squash, collard greens etc. This is the only odd trait he is exhibiting. Everything else about him seems quite healthy or normal for a chameleon. What could this be?
I'm not quite sure. I've never had a Jackson's chameleon but I have noticed my veiled slowly acquiring new spots, stripes and colors as he aged so I'd assume that's probably what's happening to your Jackson's.
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