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    Help can't find cham!!!

    ha this happened to me before. I freaked out! The bug trick works really good, mine came right out. I know where she is when I can't find her now...right in my pothos.
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    What do you think of this gutload?

    I was looking for prepared gutloads for my jackson's cham, and I found one that looks good. Only 4 bucks for 1/2 a pound, or 7 bucks a pound. Do you think it is good? It is from Chamalot Chameleons. It is called "King Kricket Feast." Scroll down near the bottom of the page to see the product...
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    Question about gutload product?

    I have been doing tons of research about gutloading for my jackson cham. I haven't been able to see any thing at stores like spirulina or dried alfalfa. Online, it is like 25 bucks for one thing of spirulina! I am pretty low on $$ as you know the economy sucks......I was wondering if this...
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    ok, sorry haha. I couldnt find it at walmart anyway. I did find, however, in the health section some alfalfa tablets. I looked at the back label for ingredients, and it just said "alfalfa." Would I be able to crush up those and use them?
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    Sandra- I was reading your blog and it is by far the best writing on gutloading chams. Thanks so much. One question- where can I get dried alfalfa? I found one product at Is this ok?
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    Right now I am using superworms and crickets. I am trying to get some more insects.
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    So far, I have been gutloading with potatoes, turnip greens, carrots, and apples. What else should i gutload with for my jacksons cham?
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    Chamelon moving?

    I just moved my female Jackson Chameleon over to a 18x18x36 about a week ago. She was in an 18x18x24. She just started drinking and eating again, which is good. I think she is starting to get used to it. There are 2 problems though. First, she used to eat the insects right out of my hand. Now...
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    Jackson's Chameleon Help?

    Update She is actually eating now because I see her poop. She made 3 fecals! She must be eating crickets while I'm not there.....sneaky little girl LOL
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    Chameleon homemade fogger?

    Jackson's chameleon. I know, I will still mist, but not the 5-6 times a day. I will lessen
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    Chameleon homemade fogger?

    Would they even be bothered by it since they like water and humidity?
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    Chameleon homemade fogger?

    I have all the supplies to make a fogger using a cool mist humidifier, vinyl tubing, and water sealant. But then I started questioning it. Lately I haven't been misting as much, only like 2 or 3 times a day. I thought a fogger would help. But would a fogger cause respiratory problems? How could...
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    Chameleon drinking question?

    I have never really seen my chameleon drink before. Today, I sprayed her for a really long time, like 10 minutes straight. She would not drink. Then, I exited the room to get something to eat. I came back a few minutes later, and she was lapping up water. As soon as she realized I was back, she...
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    Jackson's Chameleon Help?

    Yeah. She just started drinking again so that is good. Still not eating though. I hope she will come around soon.
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    Fogger help?

    Should I get a reptifogger by zoomed, or make my own using a cool mist humidifier and a vinyl hose? This will be for my jackson chameleon.
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    Jackson's Chameleon Help?

    How to ask for help Here is some recommended information to include when asking for help in the health clinic forum. By providing this information, you will receive more accurate and beneficial responses. It might not be necessary to answer all these questions, but the more you provide the...
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    Egg binding (dystocia) in Jacksons chameleons??

    I have not seen any signs of her being pregnant, I was just asking. I am pretty sure that she has not been with a male, but no I am not posistive. Atleast never with me. The guy I got her from (when she was young like a year or less) said she had never been with one. I have been with her a while...
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    Egg binding (dystocia) in Jacksons chameleons??

    This question isnt an emergency or anything, just a simple question. I know they are live-bearers, but can Jacksons chameleons get dystocia even if they arent bred? My jackson chameleon has never been bred, so does that mean she is 100% risk free of getting dystocia?
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    How to open mouth for a force feed with our Jackson

    I think he may have caught parasites from the wild caught bugs. You do have a few husbandry errors, but not enough to make him do this. That is what makes me think it was a parasite.
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    Jackson Chameleon drinking concern? look at the hydration section
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