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  1. Desiree


    Okay thank you I will have to change everything and if it’s okay consult with you after I tested his fecal 2 months ago came back negative it does look like scabs
  2. Desiree


    Yes please because I was told soaking it good for them
  3. Desiree


  4. Desiree


    Yes I notice that after I took the picture I have exoterra jungle vines with some artificial leaves
  5. Desiree

    My sweet girl Ivy died laying her clutch

    Sorry for the loss of ur beautiful girl
  6. Desiree


    Hi guys , I Need some advice . So for the last 2 sheds juice has had like left over shed on his under side of his tail and his little feet, I soaked him and it seemed to help but am I doing anything wrong or is there anything I can do to help Juice is a panther chameleon 1-1/2 years old male
  7. Desiree

    Chameleon Tattoos

    No Chams I do want to get one soon , I have my kitty though
  8. Desiree


    Thank you
  9. Desiree


    Hey Kinyonga , I’ve had juice since he was about 4 months old . He’s my second panther Chameleon , this might sound funny but His father was my last chameleons brother if that makes sense . My last chameleon past due to to a rectal prolapse and unfortunately even with surgery never recovered I...
  10. Desiree


    Hey guys, I’m new here so if you guys have any tips or tricks to work the website I’d love some input ! This is my baby his name is juice he’s a panther chameleon almost 2 years old
  11. Desiree

    Introducing Kismet! (FEmale Translucent Veiled)

    Wow congrats she’s adorbs
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