Introducing Kismet! (FEmale Translucent Veiled)

Kismet decided to wander up on my hand after having some snacks, prompting a quick photoshoot! :love:

Tapering her food intake is being recieved well and her appetite drastically decreases after 5 feeders (though she'll keep going if I keep giving her more!), so we're at about 5 3 week old crickets daily, plus the occasional small super and a couple BSFL. Kiz occasionally goes to root around for isopods, but is doing it less frequently - or at least, I'm catching her at it less! I reseeded with white dwarves, which are much less enticing. Sorry Kiz! :p






I'm excited to officially introduce the newest addition to my chamily: Kismet! :love: Meaning fate/destiny, Kismet's named in honor of the now deceased veiled boy who brought me into the hobby, Karma. This little fella is an 8 week old translucent veiled chameleon, and will be shipped to me sometime in the next week or two as soon as I put the finishing touches on his (temporary) enclosure. I saw his little face and I just knew I had to have him! I was originally going to wait until late November/December for a panther chameleon after my previous baby fell through, but I just couldn't say no to this unique little boy! Just look at the gorgeous mottling on that casque - so excited to watch him grow!!! :D

Edit: Kismet is a female. :oops:

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Wow congrats she’s adorbs
Gathered up some a few photos to dump! Kismet is such a good little model! :love: Definitely developing some veiled 'tude, now. If I dont have food, she really doesn't want anything to do with me! :LOL: The blue around her gular is getting more pronounced, and she has a couple more white spots showing up on her translucent patches! It's super exciting (for me, at least!) to observe the changes whenever she sheds.






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Kiz has decided this week that she's all sass, all the time. Veiled attitude is in full swing! Thankfully she's also incredibly food motivated, and is very easy to bait out. She'll salute me as she chews, as if to say "I will eat this worm, but I will eat it ANGRILY and let my feelings be known!" :rolleyes:


Every time I see a translucent I wonder if the pinkish areas would burn if it sat in the sun too long and I wonder what would ever make such a strange mutation occur in the first place.

Some literature says that reptiles with albinism or "clear"/translucent patches may be more sensitive to UV.. other sources say it doesn't change anything. I have no idea, so I run a 5.0 UVB! Better safe than sorry I figure.

I'm sure if could find the source of color mutations if I took the time to dig. I know I've read it somewhere, but I only half remember my genetics stuff haha
I'm terrible with genetics....I've had to give up trying to figure it out if it's very complicated!

This doesn't just qualify as a true albinism though does it....they have those black patches and they don't have red eyes do they?
I'm terrible with genetics....I've had to give up trying to figure it out if it's very complicated!

This doesn't just qualify as a true albinism though does it....they have those black patches and they don't have red eyes do they?

Correct, it's not albinism- though it's somewhat related. I'd have to find the proper wording to describe it! it's a very interesting combination of genes, and in veiled chameleons the "pied" gene seems to be interwoven with the translucent gene, and somehow there's some hypo- and hypermelanism as well!
A quick photoshoot of lady Kismet! :D She gets more white and black with every shed, and loses more of her pink patches! By the time she's done growing, I think she may only have pink feets left! I just adore her big, arching casque. She's taking after her dam, for sure!

Kiz officially wants nothing to do with me unless I have food, and is quick to move away and hiss at me if I try any funny business. But if I have food, she will fly onto my arm trying to get at it! :LOL:






I can't remember if I've ever shared her parentage! This is Kismet's dam, Fern (photo credit: Ross Family Reptiles):


And Kismet's sire, Monty (photo credit: Ross Family Reptiles. Produced by Trevor Neufeld):

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