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  1. Dragonfly56

    am I sexing these guys correctly?

    Thanks for the vote of confidance Dez, I'm sticking to my original pick
  2. Dragonfly56

    am I sexing these guys correctly?
  3. Dragonfly56

    am I sexing these guys correctly?

    I only have a crappy camera to take pics with so good close pics are difficult. I can see why you say the second one could be male from that pic but that ones color is particularly female too. I have a few more of her tho ill post. I have 15 total but only took pics of those three as examples...
  4. Dragonfly56

    am I sexing these guys correctly?

    Yay! Thanks Dez, I hope I have it right on all my little guys. I want people to get what they expect. That guy made my job pretty easy I must say. He fired up so blue he gives himself away.
  5. Dragonfly56

    am I sexing these guys correctly?

    Panther, 3+ months. Starting to show some sweet color :)
  6. Dragonfly56

    am I sexing these guys correctly?

    kinda a noob, so input is appreciated! I read up a lot on here and I think I have it down but im not 100% Female female...
  7. Dragonfly56

    Panther female question

    Nah my problem, if indeed it is a problem at all is her not producing eggs... She only sees my male when he runs out on to me sometimes when I open his cage and he climbs on top of my head. Or when her sides turn bright pink and gravid looking. I would love for her to produce another fertile...
  8. Dragonfly56

    Panther female question

    Well the next time she is receptive we shall see what happens :) hopefully I can breed her another time, I really enjoy raising these little buggers.
  9. Dragonfly56

    Panther female question

    Her basking spot is pretty warm, highest one is 94 degrees. I am interested in breeding her again tho... Her very first clutch was only laid after breeding her, well after her one year mark and at that time she was fed everyday pretty much as much as she wanted to eat. Maybe she is just weird?
  10. Dragonfly56

    Panther female question

    Should say I have had her more than two years
  11. Dragonfly56

    Panther female question

    She has not had any health problems, she hunts like crazy and drinks like a champ. She has a fiery attitude as well lol unless I have a roach/worm on my finger that's just a little odd from all I read and I was thinking of breeding her again sometime soon. I wonder if another breeding...
  12. Dragonfly56

    Panther female question

    So I have had my female panther for more than a year and she has produced a fertile, viable clutch. My concern is that she has only produced eggs three times, total. One was the fertile clutch (after a single breeding session), the second was an infertile clutch one month after that, and the...
  13. Dragonfly56

    New babies :) Pics!

    Thaks you guys :)
  14. Dragonfly56

    New babies :) Pics!

    thanks hoj :)
  15. Dragonfly56

    New babies :) Pics!

    oh haha :o
  16. Dragonfly56

    New babies :) Pics!

    But have hella attitude, they already puff up at me and eachother lololol Oh and did I mention they are bottomless pits? <-- guess thats a good sign tho :)
  17. Dragonfly56

    New babies :) Pics!

    That reaching pic was right out of the egg, that was the first little guy to hatch out he/she has spirit for sure. Hmmm wonder why ChamRave can't see if others can..?
  18. Dragonfly56

    New babies :) Pics!

    pics Im pretty sure the pic should be up now, sorry bout that
  19. Dragonfly56

    New babies :) Pics!

    sad :confused: guess I need to work on my linking skills... hmmm they were facebook pics, guess ill try again. Thanks tho :)
  20. Dragonfly56

    New babies :) Pics!

    So, Im pretty new here. I aquired my female cham Clementine almost two years ago and my male Armand a year ago. I have been stalking these forums from the begining and give credit to that for the sucess I have had raising these guys. A few months after aquiring Armand and reading everything I...
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