am I sexing these guys correctly?

What kind are they? Sometimes you can tell with a spur on the back of their feet or a hemipal (forget the name) bulge at the base of their tails.
Yay! Thanks Dez, I hope I have it right on all my little guys. I want people to get what they expect. That guy made my job pretty easy I must say. He fired up so blue he gives himself away.
Panther's don't have spurs however males will have a hemipenal bulge at the base of their tails, I'd watch it since they're not exactly clear at the young age but I almost think the second is a male, can you get better shots of the tail bases?
I only have a crappy camera to take pics with so good close pics are difficult. I can see why you say the second one could be male from that pic but that ones color is particularly female too. I have a few more of her tho ill post. I have 15 total but only took pics of those three as examples to see if I have the gist of it. Im pretty sure its 8 male 7 femlae.
They can be sexed correctly right out of the egg. Post several pictures of each animal's tail base for confirmation on genders if you are still unsure.
I am still certain you have it right. I do not see a bulge in the second photo that would indicate it to be a male. The only bump I see is of her vent.

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