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  1. Ab093

    a big thank you to the lady...

    This is my girlfriend exactly! She thinks I'm some kind of weirdo for being on a forum... She thinks I spend too much time on here too lol. Whatever though, reading the stories on here gets me through my work day! :)
  2. Ab093

    Chameleon drawing!

    It seems my gf likes Zebo a little bit more then she will admit. She decided to surprise me with another picture of him!
  3. Ab093

    Picky Cham!

    Does anyone else have a Cham that will only come out at certain times during the day? It seems my guy only wants to come out in the mornings, but when I see if he will after work sometimes he just runs up to his basking spot. Maybe he's just more of a morning Cham :p
  4. Ab093

    last nights pj's

    Wow those are some sweet colors! :)
  5. Ab093

    Trioceros johnstonii

    Forgot to say that's a very cool Cham!! :)
  6. Ab093

    Trioceros johnstonii

    Where in SE michigan are you?? And I'm gonna guess you're at the reptile show in Taylor. I might be going this weekend!
  7. Ab093

    new guy

    I actually have this same problem. The one thing I can't stand is bugs and unfortunately I had to suck it up a little. The worms are all much easier to deal with for me. I still haven't brought myself to the roaches yet though...
  8. Ab093

    New Enclosure for Zebo!

    Yeah definitely gonna be posting pictures of the progress! I'm just guessing about the depth of it. I could be wrong though since I haven't actually gotten it yet. I'm going to today!
  9. Ab093

    New Enclosure for Zebo!

    The picture makes it look a lot smaller then it is. It's 36" wide and a total of 84" tall. Not sure how much of that is the top part but I'm guessing at least 4' of it. I think it's about 18" deep too. And I've got a panther cham. The cage I have now is 4' tall x 3' wide x 18" deep, so it'll...
  10. Ab093

    New Enclosure for Zebo!

    So I found a great cabinet that I'm thinking of turning into a custom cage for my Cham. What do you guys think about it? It's gonna be screen too. The plan is to use the bottom as for a drainage system and to hide my pump. It's gonna take a little customization but nothing too bad :) Thanks!
  11. Ab093

    New light setup

    Alright thanks a lot! Fortunately I don't NEED to replace it at the moment so I get some time to save my money up for a new setup.
  12. Ab093

    New light setup

    Thanks! That's exactly what I was looking for. One question, what size is your cage? Idk if I should get a bigger one or not. My cage is 4'x3'x2' and I've already got a 24" fixture. I just wasn't sure if I should use a bigger one
  13. Ab093

    New light setup

    I'm looking for a new light setup and was thinking of doing one of those double light fixtures and having my UVB light and a light for plant growth. Im just not really aure what to go with. Does anyone have any suggestions??
  14. Ab093

    too cold for screen enclosure?

    I keep my panther in a screen enclosure and I'm from michigan too. My house averages 60's but I also have a heater in my room so my room averages more around 70. Where in michigan are you??
  15. Ab093

    Any ideas??

    So he was moving around the cage a little bit more today. Still wasn't as active as before but I also still haven't seen any poop. Hopefully he'll be even better tomorrow
  16. Ab093

    Any ideas??

    Thanks but unfortunately he's not under his light. He's actually over on the other side of the cage. And the temps in my room are the same as they always have been. Thank you though!
  17. Ab093

    Any ideas??

    So far I haven't gotten to handle him. I've been trying to work on that with him and have been making a little progress. I might be able to if I really have to but I haven't really tried to force it as I didn't want to stress him too bad. And yes he always runs away when the mister comes on.
  18. Ab093

    Any ideas??

    So far he's moved back about 2 inches on his stick but basically the same spot. The position he's in now is actually where he slept last night and he hasnt moved since he woke up. And if I remember correctly it was some time last week that he pooped last, I can't really remember which day though.
  19. Ab093

    Any ideas??

    Someone has to have a little more input...
  20. Ab093

    Any ideas??

    So far that's the plan. He's just making me a little nervous. I was thinking maybe he's constipated?
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