Any ideas??


New Member
I don't know if this is just me being worried but my Cham has been sitting in the same spot for most of the day today which is very abnormal for him. He's usually very active all day and he was this morning. I think he ate a small chunk of dirt this morning but was fine up until about 5 hours ago. Now he's just been sitting in a spot he doesn't usually sit in. I'm just wondering if maybe it could be the fact that he ate the dirt.

He's about 8 months old and I've had him in my care for just over 3 weeks. He's been eatin and drinking regularly and even at a hornworm and a couple crickets today.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. :)
Sometimes they just like to sit in the same spot. See what tomorrow brings and if he does not move again for a second day, then maybe I would start to become concerned.
Sometimes they just like to sit in the same spot. See what tomorrow brings and if he does not move again for a second day, then maybe I would start to become concerned.
So far that's the plan. He's just making me a little nervous. I was thinking maybe he's constipated?
is he still in the same spot since yesterday? when was the last time he pooped that you think he is constipated?
is he still in the same spot since yesterday? when was the last time he pooped that you think he is constipated?

So far he's moved back about 2 inches on his stick but basically the same spot. The position he's in now is actually where he slept last night and he hasnt moved since he woke up. And if I remember correctly it was some time last week that he pooped last, I can't really remember which day though.
Can you handle him to move him out of the cage? Does he move if you mist the cage of the mister goes off? As far as the poop, check the cage over real good. It could have stuck to the side of a branch, fallen in a plant pot, etc...
Can you handle him to move him out of the cage? Does he move if you mist the cage of the mister goes off? As far as the poop, check the cage over real good. It could have stuck to the side of a branch, fallen in a plant pot, etc...
So far I haven't gotten to handle him. I've been trying to work on that with him and have been making a little progress. I might be able to if I really have to but I haven't really tried to force it as I didn't want to stress him too bad. And yes he always runs away when the mister comes on.
Sometimes when the temp in my room isn't high enough they will just sit under their light which gives me a good idea that it needs to be warmer. Is that a possibility?
Sometimes when the temp in my room isn't high enough they will just sit under their light which gives me a good idea that it needs to be warmer. Is that a possibility?
Thanks but unfortunately he's not under his light. He's actually over on the other side of the cage. And the temps in my room are the same as they always have been. Thank you though!
So he was moving around the cage a little bit more today. Still wasn't as active as before but I also still haven't seen any poop. Hopefully he'll be even better tomorrow
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