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  1. Toph00

    Cup feeding for free range!

    great! thank you for shedding knowledge :)
  2. Toph00

    Cup feeding for free range!

    oops >.< is that normal?
  3. Toph00

    Cup feeding for free range!

    thats a good idea. thanks! also, is there a little bit of adjustments for chams to make with day light savings? and one more question, when I put him in his tree, he was super bright and mobile but after 10-15 minutes, he settled down and turned from his normal red, yellow, green, etc to a dark...
  4. Toph00

    Cup feeding for free range!

    awesome! I have crickets from my local petco. I just cant figure how I would be able to leave them in a cup without jumping out and going rampant all over my place hahaha
  5. Toph00

    Cup feeding for free range!

    Hello all! I have seen a lot of senior members elaborate free range set ups. My cham is in a cage at the moment but I just bought a fake ficus for him to roam around on in my room. Problem being.... I cant get him off of the thing now! I was thinking of turning the cage and tree in to a...
  6. Toph00

    Funny Cham Names

    hahaha el chamino, i havent heard that one yet. i always loved chamelio esteves. im not certain, but i think chamuel jackson is one... :p
  7. Toph00

    Funny Cham Names

    Those are pretty good lol I love hearing all of the clever names people think of :)
  8. Toph00

    Funny Cham Names

    I have trouble thinking of celebrity cham names. For example 'Cham Newton' or 'Chamillionaire'. What are some other funny or clever names people have thought of?!
  9. Toph00


    I will have to check how low my temperatures are getting tonight. If it gets too cold, I have a heater I guess I can turn on by her cage to heat up the area!
  10. Toph00


    Being in Statesboro, Georgia....It is just now starting to get cold. Is there anything I need to add or change for the colder months? should I continue to keep my light and heat lamp schedule from 9 to 9? do I need a night heat lamp or anything? Please let me know! It is my first cham winter!
  11. Toph00


    It wont let me upload the videos :/ it says 'Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing. If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error.' any ideas?
  12. Toph00


    His sticky tongue isn't the problem. He accidentally gets stuck to my finger and chomps on it when I hand feed him on occasion. I noticed while feeding today that he kinda flails it at the crickets. Almost like he is rushed. I have a video but I'm in class and I have to wait until around five to...
  13. Toph00


    I would assume the wax worms are the problem. If he is only supposed to get one or two a week then I had been giving him way too many a week! :( I'll definitely order some other worms tonight
  14. Toph00


    He has always just been a little inaccurate. It's not awful but he never seems to hit the crickets just right so they bounce around
  15. Toph00


    they roam wild in the cage. ummmmm I will try to get a video going, he HATES my iphone though so I'm not sure if it will make him act different. He is usually pretty gung ho though. I have class for a while today but I will put what I get on this forum later tonight probably around 5
  16. Toph00


    I am upgrading him to a 2x2x4 within the next month or two! :)
  17. Toph00


    I will definitely cut down on wax worm! I know I can find meal worms, are those just as good as silk worms and hornworms in case I cant find those?
  18. Toph00


    didnt think i would need it. here ya go! Chameleon- Hatched May 11, 2011 Handling- Once - twice a week Suppliments-Repashy Super Foods Calcium Plus (recommended from the Kammers) Water-I have the Big Dripper and a Mist bottle Feeding-Small crickets gut loaded with Repashy Bug Burger (Also from...
  19. Toph00


    I give him a wax worm once a day or so
  20. Toph00


    I've noticed my chams inaccuracy....He cant hit a cricket from more than two or three inches away. He eats fine, it just takes him a little longer to scurry around and chase the crickets. Should I be worried or anything?
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