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  1. C

    New arrival (about a week ago or so) Ambilobe Panther Cross

    Here is my new panther Chameleon, these are the best pics I have been able to take yet of him, he always finds a way to hide in the foliage when i go to do so. When he colors up and isn't hiding, he is already an intense blue color which is striking at his age since he is only about 3 months...
  2. C

    New Cham owner and loving it already! And I havent even received him yet..

    Thanks for the advice, I will definitely take it into consideration :) The day has arrived and I now have my chamie in his cage, he is doing great, a little timid but he actually ate a cricket out of my hand which was a delight to experience. I will take pics once he settles in :)
  3. C

    New Cham owner and loving it already! And I havent even received him yet..

    I figured to go with what matters most to me as for the forum name, thanks! And I will be sure to keep a close eye on him during his first few months regarding feeding. Do you happen to have a link to the post? I cant seem to find it after looking through your posts
  4. C

    New Cham owner and loving it already! And I havent even received him yet..

    Thanks, that sounds plausible, I was looking at ways to do this but so far al of the ways didnt seem to applicable but that sounds like I can do it if I can find a drill. Pothos is the exact plant I want to add as well. Would you mind sending me a pci or adding one here of your plant setup?
  5. C

    New Cham owner and loving it already! And I havent even received him yet..

    Here is the cage in tact! It is a little bare right now but so far everything is looking good, ill leave the rest up to your eyes!
  6. C

    New Cham owner and loving it already! And I havent even received him yet..

    The name is Garrett and I currently am in the process of setting up a Panther Chameleon cage along with a male from Kammerflage whose Sire is Cyrus. Currently I have a 6' by 2' by 2' enclosure along with a power sun bulb and 3 plants along with it. The plants Ive ordered are bamboo, and two...
  7. C

    Little guys's color

    I actually just ordered this very chameleon (baby that is) this weekend. Cant wait to see what he will be like!
  8. C

    Bamboo safe?

    I was looking at black bamboo and was wondering if it would be safe for my chameleons enclosure and if anyone knows anything about it?
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