New Cham owner and loving it already! And I havent even received him yet..


New Member
The name is Garrett and I currently am in the process of setting up a Panther Chameleon cage along with a male from Kammerflage whose Sire is Cyrus. Currently I have a 6' by 2' by 2' enclosure along with a power sun bulb and 3 plants along with it. The plants Ive ordered are bamboo, and two hibiscus. I am planning on breeding him later on when he is mature and will eventually get a female in the coming weeks/months to pair him up with. He is a cross morph and I have the exact percentages and he is 50 percent amolibe so I was thinking about pairing him up with an amilobe for best results.

I will post pics of the setup once everything is in on friday. :)

Any advice or tips is greatly appreciated.
Here is the cage in tact! It is a little bare right now but so far everything is looking good, ill leave the rest up to your eyes!


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That's a nice cage. You definitely want more foliage in there. I use potted Pothos plants and hang them on the upper 1/3 of the cage. I do this by drilling a small hole in the frame on the inside and using a small S hook to hang the potted plant. It works quite well.

Good luck. You're going to enjoy your new buddy.
Thanks, that sounds plausible, I was looking at ways to do this but so far al of the ways didnt seem to applicable but that sounds like I can do it if I can find a drill. Pothos is the exact plant I want to add as well. Would you mind sending me a pci or adding one here of your plant setup?
Hello welcome to the forum. I love your forum name. If you get a baby be careful that he isn't lost in that huge cage and doesn't miss all his food. That sounds like a wonderful cage for him.
Post a pic of your entire setup when complete so forum members may inform you of anything you may have overlooked. Welcome! ;)

Here is the cage in tact! It is a little bare right now but so far everything is looking good, ill leave the rest up to your eyes!

You can make a pvc pipe shaped like an h and it will hold multiple plants,if you want to see picts you can look at my posts and it shows what I did,I must admit I stole the idea from another member here and it works fantastic. I can text you picts if you would like but again I don't take credit for the idea :D
Hello welcome to the forum. I love your forum name. If you get a baby be careful that he isn't lost in that huge cage and doesn't miss all his food. That sounds like a wonderful cage for him.

I figured to go with what matters most to me as for the forum name, thanks! And I will be sure to keep a close eye on him during his first few months regarding feeding.

You can make a pvc pipe shaped like an h and it will hold multiple plants,if you want to see picts you can look at my posts and it shows what I did,I must admit I stole the idea from another member here and it works fantastic. I can text you picts if you would like but again I don't take credit for the idea :D

Do you happen to have a link to the post? I cant seem to find it after looking through your posts
I figured to go with what matters most to me as for the forum name, thanks! And I will be sure to keep a close eye on him during his first few months regarding feeding.

Do you happen to have a link to the post? I cant seem to find it after looking through your posts

It is on page 4 of my posts,dated 01/21/13 and titled Hanging plants.sorry I am computer challenged so can't do a link but if you would like u can pm me a cell # and I will text you some Picts
Congrats on your future babys! x)

Just some ideas:
I bought the same cage, just like you before I got my baby...
As soon as he came I couldnt believe how small he was!!!!!!
he was 2 months old, but I tought chameleons where a bit bigger, because thats the way they look in pictures.
Dante would fit staight up, holding my middle finger!
Imagine a little cham of that small size in a HUGE cage!!!!
believe me... little crickets will escape before he can catch them.
I would start with a WAY smaller cage so you can control easily how much he is eating.
I had to get a fish tank... I removed the front glass and glued a plastic mesh really tight. And I had to put mesh on the top... (Under the black frame of the tank, so he wouldnt escape), and that way it was easy for me to open it up and close it back. (I know chams are supposed to be on an all screen cage, but this worked for me for the first two months)
I also drilled a hole at the bottom of the tank for drainage.

Another thing you want to make sure, is that theres plenty of foliage. Remeber.. chameleons live on trees!

this is my chams cage right now....

I hope this helps you :)
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Thanks for the advice, I will definitely take it into consideration :)

The day has arrived and I now have my chamie in his cage, he is doing great, a little timid but he actually ate a cricket out of my hand which was a delight to experience. I will take pics once he settles in :)
That's a nice cage. You definitely want more foliage in there. I use potted Pothos plants and hang them on the upper 1/3 of the cage. I do this by drilling a small hole in the frame on the inside and using a small S hook to hang the potted plant. It works quite well.

Good luck. You're going to enjoy your new buddy.

dlegare, do you mind posting pics of your set up, so i can have an idea ?
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