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  1. dig414

    Help! Local vet doesn't do chams

    Our other one has never had an issue but I guess it's a good thing we keep them seperated.
  2. dig414

    Help! Local vet doesn't do chams

    Well poor little dexter didn't make it.
  3. dig414

    Help! Local vet doesn't do chams

    Keeping him as warm an moist as I can but its not looking well. I've got the warm mist blowing right on him but he wont open his eyes at all and he's losing color and having bloody stools.
  4. dig414

    Help! Local vet doesn't do chams

    Found a vet but sadly she won't be in until the day after tomorrow and even more sadly idk if the poor Lil guy will make it that long. He'll climb on my hand if prompted but won't open his eyes or move around except to hold his head upwards.
  5. dig414

    Help! Local vet doesn't do chams

    Thanks for the great info. All those vets are over 4 hrs away so I'll see what I can do. He has a regular humidifier but I'll be buying a warm mist one first thing in the morning.
  6. dig414

    Help! Local vet doesn't do chams

    And is there anything I can do to help make him feel better for now?
  7. dig414

    Help! Local vet doesn't do chams

    In mt.vernon illinois
  8. dig414

    Help! Local vet doesn't do chams

    My Lil guy has been very lethargic the few days. Never had a sick cham. He's around 8 mo. Put him in the shower earlier hoping the steam would help perk him up hes always liked it. Now he's coughing up bubbles. Did I do something wrong?
  9. dig414

    Upgrading to new habitat.

    Unfortunately for the time being I can't set those lights on top 9f the cage because his new one is a nylon mesh instead of screen and would likely melt.
  10. dig414

    Upgrading to new habitat.

    Thanks guys. The lighting is just temporary from his old cage til our pet store gets the long uv bulbs back in. They're always outta everything. He currently has the deep dome light combo hanging in there with the reptisun 5.0 bulb and a 75w basking bulb.
  11. dig414

    Upgrading to new habitat.

    We recently decided to upgrade our veiled chams habitat to something much bigger so he will be more comfortable. Hope it will suffice for now. If you have pictures of your enclosures I'd like to see them for some ideas. Weebo used to be in a little 16x16x36 which you can kinda see in the bottom...
  12. dig414

    New jackson concern

    We had to hande him to put him in his cage.
  13. dig414

    New jackson concern

    Wonder if I should get him straight to a vet or just make sure he gets plenty of water an vitamins an see if he perks up in a few days.
  14. dig414

    New jackson concern

    Nah someone's educated guess although the lady at the pet store just thought he was tired. And he is used to bein in the dark after 630
  15. dig414

    New jackson concern

    I was told it could also be because he's stressed out or that he's been on a diff sleep schedule in our local pet store
  16. dig414

    New jackson concern

    I mean the middle is him now
  17. dig414

    New jackson concern

    The first pic is him now. The last one is him when we first got home just a few hours ago
  18. dig414

    New jackson concern

    We just got our first jackson cham today and he keeps closing his eyes and sleeping since we got him. Even when being held. Could it possibly just be laziness or maybe sick?
  19. dig414

    Water chameleon

    His basking temp at the top of the cage is usually aroun 81ºf, I wouldn't think he gets hot. We've always used that container and empty it every day. Its odd that hes just now goin around it. Guess he gets bored when he can't free range. (Cause his ass disappears for days)
  20. dig414

    Water chameleon

    His poops are normal. Hes just a weirdo.
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