Upgrading to new habitat.


New Member
We recently decided to upgrade our veiled chams habitat to something much bigger so he will be more comfortable. Hope it will suffice for now. If you have pictures of your enclosures I'd like to see them for some ideas. Weebo used to be in a little 16x16x36 which you can kinda see in the bottom right and now he'll have this. Any helpful I'm put on what can make it better?


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You're off to a pretty good start!
You need more light, to give the entire enclosure bright, ambient light. I'm not sure what your spot light is, but it should NOT be in the enclosure, with the chameleon.
Other than those two items of real concern, ideally, you could place more foliage and branches towards the bottom, and at least one more branch for basking, at the top.
Off to a great start! Lots of climbing opportunity with a variety of materials and branch sizes are exactly what you want. He will definitely use the extra space.

I'll ditto the comment above - move your lights outside of the cage. He may not climb on them now, but there will be a time when he burns himself; unfortunately, we have seen that many times here on the forum. I couldn't quite tell from your photo what your lights are - You'll need two types of lights - a UVB bulb and a basking spot. The basking spot can just be a regular house bulb and adjust the position to get the basking spot to the right temperature.
Thanks guys. The lighting is just temporary from his old cage til our pet store gets the long uv bulbs back in. They're always outta everything. He currently has the deep dome light combo hanging in there with the reptisun 5.0 bulb and a 75w basking bulb.
Unfortunately for the time being I can't set those lights on top 9f the cage because his new one is a nylon mesh instead of screen and would likely melt.
Nylon melts at a couple hundred degrees. If you are worried about the temperature of the metal dome, use some wood shims or a stand to separate it from the screen. The heat of the light should not be so hot as to melt the screen.

Moving the light outside the cage is non-negotiable - I was very serious when I said it's an accident waiting to happen for your chameleon.
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