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  1. dig414

    Marijuana plants?

    I have fake silk pot leaves In my chameleons enclosure and he never pays any attention to them although he does try to occasionally eat one of the other fake plants. Not sure if he would even care if a real one was placed in there.
  2. dig414

    Water chameleon

    Is it normal for a chemeleon to bathe its self or hang out in water. We have a small container that catches excess water drip from his plants. This is the second time I've caught him doing it but I was fast enough to snap a picture this time lol. And yes we do spray his enclosure several times a...
  3. dig414

    Curious chameleon

    I plann on buildin a wire enclosure around his lights before long just for that reason
  4. dig414

    Curious chameleon

    Could that be causing his oddball behaviour lately
  5. dig414

    Curious chameleon

    We always leave our chamy cage open cause the little guy never leaves his perch but the last few days he's become quite the explorer. I've walked in several times to find him on top of his cage sitting on his light fixture,the curtains and even wandering the floor. Is this normal for them or...
  6. dig414

    Angry spiderman cham

    We were holding ours the other day and he's usually pretty chill, but out of nowhere he started hissing and lunging trying to bite my arm
  7. dig414

    hornworm size

    I tried feeding my veiled some med dubia roaches and he ate 6 the first day and hasn't touched them since same way with the supers. Guess he's just a picky eater
  8. dig414

    hornworm size

    I didn't want him having the whole worm but he was quick and I wasn't going to pull it of his mouth he's too onery
  9. dig414

    hornworm size

    Not sure my cham is about 7 inches nose to tip of his tail and he managed to swipe a hornworm from the tray the other day about about 2 1/2 in or so long with no obvious problems
  10. dig414

    Angry spiderman cham

    This little guy is sooo mean. We got him out earlier and he instantly started hissing and trying to bite. So I just let him roam and now he's climbed our wall tepestry to the ceiling and refuses to come down and i dont want to risk hurting him or having him leap to the floor. Any tips?
  11. dig414

    Enclosure set up

    We put the extra plants in his cage today and I don't think he likes them he's just climbed up in the corner and sat there ever since..
  12. dig414

    Enclosure set up

    Several times a day. I don't want it be breeding bacteria
  13. dig414

    Enclosure set up

    And the bigger one catches excess water that runs off his plants for his dripper
  14. dig414

    Enclosure set up

    Its a little dish I just put in there for his phoenix worms and what not
  15. dig414

    Enclosure set up

    Can anyone give me some helpful tips on how to better set up this little guys home or is this sufficient for now. Its a 16x16x36
  16. dig414

    What is the strangest thing your chameleon has ever done?

    Mine lil guy sometimes sleeps upside down on his cage wall and actually watches t.v.
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