Angry spiderman cham


New Member
This little guy is sooo mean. We got him out earlier and he instantly started hissing and trying to bite. So I just let him roam and now he's climbed our wall tepestry to the ceiling and refuses to come down and i dont want to risk hurting him or having him leap to the floor. Any tips?


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He isn’t a crocodilian that will drag you into the water, roll and rip your arm off, get a chair and take him down. Put on gloves if you are afraid.

So true, but having been nailed once by one little wc darling who would not let go, I am a little more cautious about risking getting bitten by one of the bigger adult chameleons.
So true, but having been nailed once by one little wc darling who would not let go, I am a little more cautious about risking getting bitten by one of the bigger adult chameleons.
Yah I got nailed by a 3 month old veiled that cut the blood. It hurt!
Picking up a mean chameleon is like feeding a strange horse food for the first time.

Present your hand in a way that if they lunge or bite at you they can not get their mouth around you.

I like to make my hand into a flat, high five shape that way there is not where for the chameleons mouth to grasp, sometimes my boy lunges at me with an open mouth but he just taps my palm, no harm no foul, they calm down almost immediately.
My Cham is 7 months and has never attempted to bite. This is all new info to me that they bite humans, let alone break our skin to draw blood, seems quite hard to believe.
Picking up a mean chameleon is like feeding a strange horse food for the first time.

Present your hand in a way that if they lunge or bite at you they can not get their mouth around you.

I like to make my hand into a flat, high five shape that way there is not where for the chameleons mouth to grasp, sometimes my boy lunges at me with an open mouth but he just taps my palm, no harm no foul, they calm down almost immediately.

You mean like this????? :eek:


My Cham is 7 months and has never attempted to bite. This is all new info to me that they bite humans, let alone break our skin to draw blood, seems quite hard to believe.

Very few will bite hard or hold on, even adult wild caughts, but once in awhile one will bite hard and not let go. Worse, if they become a little worried while biting--maybe because you moved or did something to try to distract them--they will bite harder and saw their little razor teeth back and forth. I honestly feared I would lose a chunk of flesh from my hand before the darling pictured above finally let go, maybe 10 minutes later.

Below is a picture of the same animal as a baby. I stuck my thumb in his (gaping) mouth to keep it open to medicate him and pop a silkworm in to help it all go down. He just didn't let go. I walked through the house with him dangling off my thumb, called my husband from down by the pool to to go find his phone and take a picture.

Don't underestimate the strength of their bite.

That said, I have one wild caught adult that will bite me anytime she can get hold of me if I am handling her. I often take her outside for sun and will make a cage out of my hands. I won't be actually holding her, just confining her using my hands and body to make an escape-proof enclosure. She's so funny, she'll bite anything she can reach, including my body through my shirt. It really is nothing, just a quick pinch and she lets go. The one pictures below (same one as above) is a little unusual.

I had one male veiled that would literally chase after me if he thought he had a chance of biting. I used to have to hold his bony head crest so he couldn't...and I had to distract him with the other hand to get ahold of his head in the first place.

The bite I had that hurt the worst but didn't do much damage was from a monkey tailed skink that bit me instead of the banana.
We were holding ours the other day and he's usually pretty chill, but out of nowhere he started hissing and lunging trying to bite my arm
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