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  1. J

    Awsome new cage!!!!

    That is awesome!!!! If I had the time and skill to do that I would. #wantone
  2. J


    Pic Ok here she is after about a month living with me.
  3. J

    Acting Different

    Ok, so I boarded my girl for a few days. When i did this i took out her water bubbler and dish. When I put ice on top of the cage and it started dripping she was on that like flies on poop. So I put the dish back in and she flew to it like a bat out of hell. She was just really thirsty.
  4. J


    That is awesome thanks for the idea, but since I live in an apt that is a little too big.
  5. J

    Acting Different

    Ok, so my cham is normally all over the place and eats about 6-9 crickets a day. Now, her eating habits are different and she sits on one stick all day. Lastly when I spray her she runs to the bottom and lays on her stomach, which she never. Oh and when she moves her legs they are kind of...
  6. J


    It wasn't gonna be that big.
  7. J


    Ok thank you. Also, I have been looking into getting her a male to live with her, is this a good idea?
  8. J


    Hey All, I am a noob at this whole chameleon thing. I have had my girl Tiombe for almost two months now. She is a pretty good size now. I am looking to build her a new enclosure in the next week, Spring break!!! I am curious if any of you have tips on what to look for and buy and how to go...
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