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  1. F

    car travel

    I'm actually moving to Canada for at least 6 months. I thought I'd just put his cage in the back of the car and go. Maybe rig up a heat light. I'm a bit concerned about stressing him though
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    car travel

    So it looks like we are going to take a 4-5 day drive to Canada. I have all the Cites stuff being worked out. It's only a US permit. Does anyone have any advice on how to travel a 7 mth old Ambilobe Panther Cham by car for that amount of time? I appreciate the the help! J
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    basking area

    He's an 8 mth old Ambilobe Panther Cham
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    basking area

    so it's pretty warm in my CA apartment. about 80 degrees. The the 75 w zoo med basking light is bringing that area up to about 100. I simply turned it off and left on the reptisun. Should I consider a way to kick up that area 5 degrees or so? or just keep it off. Your thoughts are...
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    plane flight with my PC

    I'll be flying to Canada. Any tips on traveling my 8mth old PC? thanks! J
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    help! bf out of town, taking care of the chameleon...

    Hi! My boyfriend is out of town and unreachable and I am taking care of Harold, the 5 month old chameleon we have. He said if I have any problems with him to log on here and ask. So! This morning he won't stop circling his cage, he seems very antsy. I checked the temperature in there and it is...
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    Red flower alien thing coming out of butt

    Well, My make Ambilobe has been happy and healthy. He ate a few crickets, i looked in his cage and coming out of his butt was a big red, flowery looking alien thing. is this his penis? Hempeline? I'm confused? It retreated back inside of him and he seems fine, but it was quite a sight. Can...
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    light sensitive

    I noticed my young PC stays awake when I have the kitchen light on. I know they have a "3rd eye" which is light sensitive. Anyone see any problems with covering his side of the cage with a clean towel so he can get some sleep while the lights on? thanks!
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    Over Feeding?

    My 3 mth old PC eats a lot. He may eat 20 crickets a day sometimes. He looks great, has great energy and isn't fat. Is it possible to over-feed a young panther crickets? crickets only... Thanks!
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    Is gaping normal?

    thanks thank you all. I'll bring down the basking area a bit and watch over him. He's eating like a pig. I think he either got a bit grumpy or too hot. thanks for your help! J
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    Is gaping normal?

    basking area is at 87. Also using a zoomed reptisun 5.0 UVB. Maybe he was grumpy. I actually just removed a mirror on the wall I think he might have spotted himself in. Temp seems great in the enclosure but does get cool at night (mid to upper 50's). I live near the beach in Venice CA. He's been...
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    Is gaping normal?

    I've had my PC for about 3 weeks now. He's 2-3 mths old. He's been healthy active. eating well. I recently spotted him basking and gaping, after a good hunt. Is this normal behavior for a pc. I know it is with other lizards. I wanted to make sure it's a warning. the mist king goes off 3 times a...
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    what is this bug? problem?

    thank you! very helpful.
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    what is this bug? problem?

    I'm pretty sure that's what it is. Any issues with them? okay to feed along with crickets?
  15. F

    what is this bug? problem?

    I have these in with my crickets. Has lots of little legs and moves fast. Anyone else have these? Do you know what they are? where they come from? should I be concerned? Can my PC eat them? Maybe it's a carpet beetle? thanks, J
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    best treat to hand feed 2 mth old PC?

    Whats the best treat to hand feed a little PC that is healthy, yummy and not too big? I want to start handling my 2 mth PC and figured giving him a treat outside the enclosure would be the best training. He already will eat crickets from my hand inside his enclosure, but hand feeding crickets...
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    Turned black should i be concerned?

    I've had my little guy for about 3 weeks now. So far he eats great, even out of my hand, and seems happy. Today for the first time he turned jet black. Is this an issue? Is this a sign of stress? My dog was barking, usually this doesn't bother him. Should I be concerned and keep the dogs away...
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    cage leaking.

    perfect thanks!
  19. F

    free range feeding

    I prefer not to cup feed. just seeing if anyone has place to dump the crickets other than the tops of the leaves and see where they end up. Maybe start them at base of plants?
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