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  1. M

    Just found this BEAUTY video! Crickey!

    wow, that was a good one! very cool seeing the Chams in their natural environments. i know alot of people used to make fun of him, but i used to really enjoy watching him with my kids. plus, he was really able to bring the urgency of deforestation, and threatened species awareness to...
  2. M

    Outisde pics

    greak freakin' pics!
  3. M

    free range play area

    Heck... i want to go play on that thing! nicely done!
  4. M

    Who leaves their chams out in the rain?

    HaHaHaHa... that was an awesome response! thanks for the laugh with that one.:D
  5. M

    specific yet random cage question...

    so, my little Veiled Cass is 4 months old now and is quite handsome, i must say (enter proud parent smirk here :D ). while the small cage he is in now is adequate for him, that wont be the case in a few months, and since i believe in planning ahead, i want to ask a simple question: if money...
  6. M

    What can use?

    try this... if you feel like getting a little inspired, then look here... i got some ideas on how to create an interior for my Bearded Dragon Chuck's cage. i gotta...
  7. M

    Ummm look at this!

    whats the big deal? obviously they are fighting over the TV remote!
  8. M

    I want to see those Veileds! All of them!

    love this one!!!:cool:
  9. M

    (Re)introducing Kiiro my new j. Jacksonii

    the more i see the Jackson, the more i like them! there is just something about them that just fascinates me. i think that may be my next chameleon. now... how do i break that news to my wife...? :rolleyes:
  10. M

    Will they go back?

    i dont dont free range my little guy, but this is the way i see it... :rolleyes: you cage him when you are not around for his SAFETY. ask yourself something; how much worse would you feel if something bad happened to him while you were away?
  11. M

    Household lightbulbs going away

    i assume you are refering to the so-called Federal light bulb law? dont worry too much, incandesent light bulbs will still be legal in the U.S., what will be illegal are incadesent bulbs that do not meet the new federal energy efficiency standards. Philips and GE already make energy...
  12. M

    Stanley feeling a little crusty!!!

    agreed, but thtey they always look so miserable tho. my bearded dragon is going threw a shed right now. poor guys was scraping his belly on anything he could, including the glass and his food bowl. it was funny to see, i gotta admit. i have had my Veiled for 2 weeks now (so that makes him...
  13. M

    Freaked - USPS hasnt arrived w/my cham!

    got my fingers crossed for you both! :o
  14. M

    hand feeding for the first time

    that is awesome. their ability to aim that ol' tongue just amazes me!
  15. M

    hey there... another noobie

    i have him in a smaller starter cage. i also had a small weeping fig tree in there as well. i am going to take it out for a while at least until i know he is eating because once i release the crickets i cant see them at all <can my 42 year old eyes be failing me already?>. not to mention, he...
  16. M

    hey there... another noobie

    we havent decided on a name yet. i liked Elvis, my 12 year old son wanted Spike, and my 7 year old daughter wanted Bob, and my wife has no preferance. i figure the 'right' name will come to us one day. i am sure when we get a better feel of what his personality will be like. fyi- my bearded...
  17. M

    hey there... another noobie

    ok, so you didnt cup feed them then? i actually started by cup feeding so i knew he was eating when i first go him. so, that was this last past saturday thru monday. i sent an email to the breeder on monday to ask an unrelated question, and he verified in his email that they free ranged the...
  18. M

    hey there... another noobie

    actually i think i do have a pretty decent understanding of it. but i will ask this so i can get some feedback. i have read here people feed their Chams "whatever they can eat in 5 mins", "feed them 15-20 crickets", etc. i guess the one thing i havent read is how often to feed them. once a...
  19. M

    hey there... another noobie

    i guess i wanted to finally chime in and introduce myself. i am a new Chemeleon owner (like 5 days new) and i gotta admit this is a great place for info! i have lurked around the site for months, and finally registered about 2 weeks ago. so, to all those who unknowingly helped me out over...
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