hey there... another noobie


New Member
i guess i wanted to finally chime in and introduce myself. i am a new Chemeleon owner (like 5 days new) and i gotta admit this is a great place for info! i have lurked around the site for months, and finally registered about 2 weeks ago.

so, to all those who unknowingly helped me out over the last few weeks in perticular; THANKS! i literally knew nothing about Chameleons prior to deciding i definetely wanted to get one- which was only about 2 months ago. and actually, the only reptile experience i had previous was a bearded dragon my wife's friend found in his drive way.

oh, and i have a 2 month old Veiled. cool little guy, they are such amazing creatures. i cant wait to see what he will look like when he gets older (not to mention having a little less stress from wondering "is he eating enough", "is he drinking enought", etc etc!)

Hello and welcome to the world of Chams!
Im Jade4321 lol.
Well for starters a good kind of cham to own is a veiled, its a beginner breed, also the kind I have lol. would you like basic information of Chameleon husbandry? ( such as cage type, watering, plants, etc)
i guess i wanted to finally chime in and introduce myself. i am a new Chemeleon owner (like 5 days new) and i gotta admit this is a great place for info! i have lurked around the site for months, and finally registered about 2 weeks ago.

so, to all those who unknowingly helped me out over the last few weeks in perticular; THANKS! i literally knew nothing about Chameleons prior to deciding i definetely wanted to get one- which was only about 2 months ago. and actually, the only reptile experience i had previous was a bearded dragon my wife's friend found in his drive way.

oh, and i have a 2 month old Veiled. cool little guy, they are such amazing creatures. i cant wait to see what he will look like when he gets older (not to mention having a little less stress from wondering "is he eating enough", "is he drinking enought", etc etc!)

Hi! Welcome to the forums and congrats on your new cham!
First thing you need to know- they are addicting!
Second thing... fill out the how to ask for help form. Copy and paste it here, then plug in your info. this way, any changes taht need to be made to your husbandry can be fixed.
actually i think i do have a pretty decent understanding of it. but i will ask this so i can get some feedback.

i have read here people feed their Chams "whatever they can eat in 5 mins", "feed them 15-20 crickets", etc. i guess the one thing i havent read is how often to feed them. once a day? 2 times a day? etc...

any help info on this would be great!
actually i think i do have a pretty decent understanding of it. but i will ask this so i can get some feedback.

i have read here people feed their Chams "whatever they can eat in 5 mins", "feed them 15-20 crickets", etc. i guess the one thing i havent read is how often to feed them. once a day? 2 times a day? etc...

any help info on this would be great!

It depends ont he age of the cham.
WHen they are babies to about 6 months old, let them eat as many as they can in the 5 min. what I did to keep track, was fed him about 10 crickets in the morning at lights on, then another 10 around 4 pm. this way i knew if he was eating, since i free ranged the crickets in his cage.
when he hits 6 months to about a year, 5-10 medium to large crickets is fine. which is what my guy is doing righ tnow.,
when he hits adulthood, roughly 5 crickets every other day i hear is good.
Hi and Welcome - i`m sure you`ll be hooked in no time. Buying my cham was the best thing i ever did. We have had our tough times, but Gizzy has given much back too.

What have you called your little guy ? Would love to see some pics too :D
It depends ont he age of the cham.
WHen they are babies to about 6 months old, let them eat as many as they can in the 5 min. what I did to keep track, was fed him about 10 crickets in the morning at lights on, then another 10 around 4 pm. this way i knew if he was eating, since i free ranged the crickets in his cage.
ok, so you didnt cup feed them then? i actually started by cup feeding so i knew he was eating when i first go him. so, that was this last past saturday thru monday. i sent an email to the breeder on monday to ask an unrelated question, and he verified in his email that they free ranged the crickets, so i started doing the same. the problem is that i dont know if my Cham is really eating, and how much if he is.
when he hits 6 months to about a year, 5-10 medium to large crickets is fine. which is what my guy is doing righ tnow.,
when he hits adulthood, roughly 5 crickets every other day i hear is good.
ok, good to know! thanks for the help.
Hi and Welcome - i`m sure you`ll be hooked in no time. Buying my cham was the best thing i ever did. We have had our tough times, but Gizzy has given much back too.

What have you called your little guy ? Would love to see some pics too :D
we havent decided on a name yet. i liked Elvis, my 12 year old son wanted Spike, and my 7 year old daughter wanted Bob, and my wife has no preferance. i figure the 'right' name will come to us one day. i am sure when we get a better feel of what his personality will be like.

fyi- my bearded dragon is name Chuck. awesome guy, and his name just seems to fit!
ok, so you didnt cup feed them then? i actually started by cup feeding so i knew he was eating when i first go him. so, that was this last past saturday thru monday. i sent an email to the breeder on monday to ask an unrelated question, and he verified in his email that they free ranged the crickets, so i started doing the same. the problem is that i dont know if my Cham is really eating, and how much if he is.

ok, good to know! thanks for the help.

I didnt cup feed simply becuase he refused to do it. I also had him in the smallest mesh cage i could get. I could only verify he was eatng by the lack of crickets i saw and his poops which were nice and healthy (when i foudn them). I just gave him crickets and assumed he had eaten them. it was that or he wouldnt eat. Now I free range his meidum crickets and i can def tell he is eating cuz they disappear.
I didnt cup feed simply becuase he refused to do it. I also had him in the smallest mesh cage i could get. I could only verify he was eatng by the lack of crickets i saw and his poops which were nice and healthy (when i foudn them). I just gave him crickets and assumed he had eaten them. it was that or he wouldnt eat. Now I free range his meidum crickets and i can def tell he is eating cuz they disappear.
i have him in a smaller starter cage. i also had a small weeping fig tree in there as well. i am going to take it out for a while at least until i know he is eating because once i release the crickets i cant see them at all <can my 42 year old eyes be failing me already?>. not to mention, he seems more concerned with us, then he is about his crickets. i do have some new fake exo-terra foilage i will put in their for him instead of the tree. again, for a while until i at least know he is eating.
i have him in a smaller starter cage. i also had a small weeping fig tree in there as well. i am going to take it out for a while at least until i know he is eating because once i release the crickets i cant see them at all <can my 42 year old eyes be failing me already?>. not to mention, he seems more concerned with us, then he is about his crickets. i do have some new fake exo-terra foilage i will put in their for him instead of the tree. again, for a while until i at least know he is eating.

Hello, welcome to the forum. All sounds good, but he will take longer to settle in the more you mess with the scenery......a 2 month old should be pretty much settled after a week though, as long as he's not disturbed too often. Have you hand fed anything yet? You really don't need to worry about how much is being eaten as long as he's not fat or bony, but it is nice to know they are comfortable eating when you're there......
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