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  1. C

    Charlie now eats crickets from my fingers!

    Hah I tried to handfeed crickets to my 3 month old panther yesterday and he just looked at me like I was completely crazy so I'm a little jealous!
  2. C

    Introducing Trix!

    This is my 3 month old Panther Chameleon. His name is Trix and I got him from Kammerflage Kreations last week. He's very active and funny to watch. He's still a little unsure about me, but I did manage to get him to climb onto my hand for a few minutes today. Oh yea his sire is Sunfire! So...
  3. C

    Sunfire baby

    I'm jealous my sunfire boy isn't really showing any color yet and he def won't let me hold him like that. Hes still completely terrified by my presence and either freezes in place or runs the other way when he sees me lol.
  4. C

    Sleeping upside down

    I've only had Trix (my 3 month old panther) for a week now. I've noticed that every other night he sleeps upside down holding on to the top of his cage. To my surprise the little guy holds on all night and is in the same spot when his lights come on in the morning. Is it normal for chams to do...
  5. C

    Cup-Feeding Tips

    I have only been a Cham owner for a few days so my knowledge isn't all that great on this matter. But I have been using a clear plastic container for a few days. For the first few days he wouldn't eat from it at all and was only eating the one or two crickets that would somehow manage to escape...
  6. C

    Breaking a hunger strike?

    Why are they all so picky like this, they are these simple creatures that are not supposed to be this complicated. Hah yea I'm a new Cham owner but I already feel ya. You go through all the trouble of preparing smelly gutloads and then preparing the crix and put all this time and thought into...
  7. C

    Feeding question

    Oh and if anyone could message me how to add pics on here from an iPhone I would love to show some pics of the little guy and his setup.:)
  8. C

    Feeding question

    Day one with my new baby(3 months old) panther chameleon I saw him eat two crickets. Day two I don't think that he ate a single one. Aren't young ones supposed to be eating everyday. I tried to cup feed him but he doesn't grasp the concept of approaching the cup from the top and shot his tongue...
  9. C

    Look what I'm getting :D :D

    Hah I just placed my order for a male from the sunfire clutch as well. The wait for him to get here is going to be agonizing lol.
  10. C

    Food for babies.

    I'm getting a Chameleon withing the next few weeks. From what I've learned thus far in my research is that nutrition is everything. I want to go ahead and start a feeding colony of some sort. What are the best options for a beginner?
  11. C

    Higher price worth it??

    I'm planning on getting a Chameleon within the next few weeks once I feel comfortable that I know as much about caring for one as I possibly can. One thing I haven't really come across yet in my research is the ability to predict the coloring of a baby Chameleon. I don't mind spending extra...
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