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  1. JennaMarie

    Refrigerating FOOD

    Blackhawk007 you would know better than I, I'm not sure what the options on that fridge are?
  2. JennaMarie

    Fired up!

    That's a good looking group you've got there!
  3. JennaMarie

    Gut Loading/Supplements/Worms

    I'm new too, but I know mealworms can be harsh on their bellies when they're young. It's hard for them to digest the thick exoskeleton. Not too sure about the other stuff though, as I'm looking into the same things myself.
  4. JennaMarie

    Refrigerating FOOD

    So, call me crazy, but I sure do love buying in bulk (as demonstrated by the ridiculous amounts of toilet paper and paper towel in our house). Anyway, we're ordering some food and I was wondering which of the types of bugs I can put in the fridge to slow their growth. We're going to buy smaller...
  5. JennaMarie


    I'm curious too!
  6. JennaMarie

    Learning new tricks

    I came home today and our little guy had learned a new trick. Here he is caught mid shot going for his crickets, dusted with calcium. It's only been five days, and he comes running when he sees the cup. We move it all around in the cage so he gets a good variety of "hunting" positions. The...
  7. JennaMarie


    Do you think they would know the difference between a reflection and another cham?
  8. JennaMarie

    New membeer, and my new Ambilobe

    Oh we most definitely will be giving him a variety of feeder insects. We're firm believers in diet variety with all of our animals. Right now he is getting Repti-worms and crickets. We weren't sure what else we could give him at this age because he is still pretty darn small. Are there other...
  9. JennaMarie

    New membeer, and my new Ambilobe

    I make the wheat! Lol. ;)
  10. JennaMarie

    New membeer, and my new Ambilobe

    I should note that the picture of him being held is in my hands and I have rather TINY hands.
  11. JennaMarie

    New membeer, and my new Ambilobe

    Also, we would love an opinion on his age. I believe we were told roughly 3.5 months, but after seeing the comments on MadSince95's thread... well, I'm very confused.
  12. JennaMarie

    New membeer, and my new Ambilobe

    Hello again! I'm the half-owner of this little guy. You may have seen my post about the dry gut load recipes. Anyway, we're very excited about him and continuing to learn about how to care for him so yes, any and all tips and recommendations will be greatly welcomed. Excited to get to know you...
  13. JennaMarie

    Dry Gut Loading

    We got him from the All Animal Expo in Wheaton, Illinois from a breeder named Thomas.
  14. JennaMarie

    Dry Gut Loading

    Thanks everyone! I saw basil in one of the links... would this be ok to add to my dried mix? I have some that I grew last year and dried... actually I have a TON. Are there other herbs that would be beneficial to add to the dry mix? I do a lot of gardening... Thanks!
  15. JennaMarie

    Dry Gut Loading

    Hello all! Just picked up my new baby today, a male, blue-bar ambilobe (yet to be named)... see picture!. We've done a decent amount of research on taking care of the chameleon himself, however realized we neglected the "taking care of the food" research! Thus, I am looking for gut loading...
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