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  1. C

    too skinny?

    your righ Jannb. defenitely a check up. like everyone is saying, she is skinny fo9r her being at 10 months of age. hope all is well :)
  2. C

    hornworm eggs galore!!!!!!!!!!!!

    So right reptoman! I remember when my first hatch of silkies , I was stunned !
  3. C

    angry for the 1s time

    I have a veiled the same way. He's really a meanie ! He always hisses at me , but all of a sudden when he sees me comin with food it's a different story ,lol Beautiful looking guy by the way!
  4. C

    Starting to color up very nicely ;)

    Awesome! Glad to hear , I heard an echo of " Posting a picture". Lol
  5. C

    Cham lost outside in NY

    I wish you the best!!!!!
  6. C

    Hello Everyone! Back After a Long Time Off

    I've been out in Alaska running a commercial fishing company. No chams out there. It feels so good finally to be back in California ! I still can say I have my chams . I have 6 that are all male adults and 1 female that or over 2 years. Also my sis has her collection as well . She tried to...
  7. C

    How often you hold your chameleon?

    I believe it's all based on the Chameleon. But on an average is once a day or every two days. Ok maybe a little more since its been a little hot out here. Too bad they can't walk at a human pace or else I walk mine with a leash like a dog lol
  8. C

    Loki's new condo!!

    All your work finally paid off . It looks like is was more than worth it!! Beautiful job , well done!
  9. C

    Hello Everyone! Back After a Long Time Off

    Wow hello everybody I'm back !! It's been a 2 years since I've been back On here. I'm finally back being a chameleon addict again lol Anyways just wanted to say hello to everybody for the thousandth time lol!
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