Starting to color up very nicely ;)


Avid Member
My juvie veiled had his 3rd shed a few days ago, his hatch date in March 2012

He is now strating to get his colors!

He was basking and had turned a very nice banding of yellow, orange, light and dark green. Nice "star-wheel" stripes on his eyes.

I ran to get my camera, had to change lens, when I was ready and standing in front of him to snap the pic, it was too late!
He had turned back to solid dark green with a horizontal white stripe.

So, I am just going to keep the camera next to his cage so it will be ready for the next time.

I tried to get him to fire-up, but that didnt work!!

Now that he is totally used to me he is much more active and sometimes climbs his vines like a little monkey, hanging up-side down, accrobatic moves and such :)

He also knows what the feeder tube is, goodies inside! he comes running when he sees me with it and gets so excitted he cant wait for me to dump his food into the feeder and tries to climb into the tube after them!!

I am very happy with my progress with acclimation and tamming as well.

It wont be long before I get him on my hand with zero stress factor :)
Good to hear all is going well for you. It IS amazing, isn't it? They're a trip and a half. The first signs of color are magical. My male is going through a shed and I can't wait to see the "reveal".:D
LOL! I know, I tried to take a pic when he was in full color but I was to slow!!

If I cant get him to color up, I will take some pics anyway!! ;)
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