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  1. moriahliveson

    does she look healthy

    also eye he also said it looked like her eye was sinking in a little i really dont see that does anyone else. ( he has never dealed with any animals other then dogs and cats. i have dealt with a lot of different kind of reptiles since i worked at a pet store but never with chams. I brought...
  2. moriahliveson

    am i doing things right

    i brought home a sweet little cham last week and was told it was a gracious but now it seams she may be a flap neck. I have been taking care of her as if she was a gracious. she has two 5.0 uvb bulbs and a household light for basking. the cage stays at about 75 during the day and basking spot...
  3. moriahliveson

    does she look healthy

    my husband seams to think that her back leg does not look right. i dont see what he sees but also he is the only one who can close to her and hold her so i took some photos can some help me by looking at them and dont worry if the color looks off my camera is really bad with color when she is...
  4. moriahliveson

    trying to identify what kind of cham i have

    a better pic here is a better pic of her dont worry about the color she is my camra likes to make it look weird she is normally brown and bright green. also i cant find any info on how large wither species should get she is about the length of my midde finger. we are trying to find out if she...
  5. moriahliveson

    trying to identify what kind of cham i have

    i was told that she is a gracious but as i have been doing more research i have seen pics of the flat neck cham and it looks a lot like mine but so does the gracious and they have different needs when it comes to humidity and temps and i want to do what is best for her any advise on how i can tell
  6. moriahliveson

    help with cage setup

    thank you thanks for all the great info..i was told by a local vet that since my chams get no outdoor sunlight they need d3 every feeding should i tell them they are wrong
  7. moriahliveson

    help with cage setup

    my veiled is doing great i did remove the water bowl. they both have uvb bulbs. the veiled get calcium with d3 on her greens every other day. the gracious get her crickets/worms with calcium with d3 with every feeding thanks for the links
  8. moriahliveson

    help with cage setup

    she drinks from the water bowl she is a weird one where can i find a care sheet
  9. moriahliveson

    how large should a gracious

    i rescued a gracious and the person i got him from said she was full grown but she is very small about the length of my middle finger so i was wondering how big they should get
  10. moriahliveson

    help with cage setup

    I have a one year old veiled that i rescued from the pet store i worked at ( she was brought in by someone) i did not know much about chameleons other then the scare easy,need water,light and food. Her name is caydon so you know who i am talking about. She is housed in a decent size screened...
  11. moriahliveson

    basking light question

    She does have a hood with two uvb 5.0 bulbs just not a basking light and she is a gracious and no the temp did not go over ninety it maybe hit 75 80
  12. moriahliveson

    low energy,low food intake

    She has been the same color since since w got her at the store over a month afo and what do I put in for her to lay eggs
  13. moriahliveson

    basking light question

    i am going to buy a basking light and hood but for right now since my other one broke i took my lava lamp out and flipped the base upside down and put it on top is this ok for a few days
  14. moriahliveson

    low energy,low food intake

    pic of her from the side here is a pic of her from the side and the pic i put up before was the cage she is in
  15. moriahliveson

    low energy,low food intake

    thank you all thank you all for the advise i am going to go and get her a better basing light tomorrow and some worms from the store....during the day she has her eyes open unless i take her out and when i do take her out she does not want to go back. when i got home today she was closer to the...
  16. moriahliveson

    low energy,low food intake

    thank you here is the info you highlighted I live in rockford illinois what about you. -I am not sure how to tell if she is male or female...the other one that was in the cage with her had a spur on his back feet but what i have read that does not indicate where or not it is a girl or boy do...
  17. moriahliveson

    low energy,low food intake

    my little one is not very energetic at all and i have not seen her eating much..she does stay up in the trees and is drinking very well but just does not move around a lot, here is the answer's to the health questions. • Your Chameleon - gracious, unknown think female, unknown,i have had her...
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