help with cage setup


New Member
I have a one year old veiled that i rescued from the pet store i worked at ( she was brought in by someone) i did not know much about chameleons other then the scare easy,need water,light and food. Her name is caydon so you know who i am talking about. She is housed in a decent size screened cage with plants hung around a water bowl and wood chips as beeding. For the first six months of having her ( i got her at ten weeks old) her uvb 5.0 bulbs were on 24 hours a day and i did not have a basking lamp and did not know i needed one but i knew her temp in the cage needed to be higher so i put her in a room by herself with a heater to keep the temp in the room at 85 24 hours a day. at about 7 months my old boss started asking me questions he thought i knew more then i did and told me i was crazy. so i know turn off the lights and turn down the heater around 10:00pm and turn them back on around 10:00 am. i feed her about ten crickets( they are gut loaded) a day but she wont eat them if i dust them. so instead when i feed her greens i put the calcium ( rep-cal calcium with vit.d3 ultra fine powder) on them and she eats it up. she is very happy and has great color and is getting very big i know i did not do everything right but i seams to have worked for her but now i have brought home a gracious and want to do everything right this time so if anyone could give me advise on how i should have the cage set up and feeding that would be great i want to give her the best life possible no idea on how old she is i have pics of her and her cage under the health forum under low energy low food intake put up be me. right now she has a hood with two 5.0 uvb bulbs and a home made basking light she gets prayed every few hours and is given crickets as she needs them going to get her worms today. she is very time need to fatten her up and would like to see better color thanks for any advise you can give
Lots of stuff...

First off you need to look at a care sheet. That will give you all the basics.

Don't have a bowl of water--they only see water moving... Don't have wood chips-- he might eat one by accident. Do have a heat bulb and a basking spot. Give him 12 hours a day of light and heat... he wills sleep the rest of the time at night.

There are lots of things you can do.... just do a little research.

she drinks from the water bowl she is a weird one where can i find a care sheet

Jannb has a great blog for new cham keeprs. I wil lsee if i can find it.

as the other person said, please remove the water bowl.

even if shes drinking from it, it can harbor bacteria, bugs can die it, and if she were to fall in, well dont have to tell you what could happen.

Until i get the blog here are the basics.

are you sure its a female? males have bumps on teh back of the back feet.

females can lay eggs as early as 6 months old, with or without a male.

Do you have a UVB bulb?

what supplemetns do you have?

what bugs wil you feed her?
my veiled is doing great i did remove the water bowl. they both have uvb bulbs. the veiled get calcium with d3 on her greens every other day. the gracious get her crickets/worms with calcium with d3 with every feeding thanks for the links
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"Light your Reptiles" He sells the absolute best lighting. Most members on here have probably not even upgraded to the T5 lighting yet. It is what they are using in Europe. Any way He rocks. Get your lighting from him. Tell him what animal and cage you have and he will tell you what lighting you need. It's what he does. Trust me call him. Wait, in fact, here is his contact number off his websight... just call him. (207) 846 - 5224 Ask for Todd
Also, I have been hearing absolutly Amazing things about Repeshy supliments. Repeshy is another site sponsor. Their bannor is black. I just ordered mine today so I can't personally vouch for their product but I am excited about it. Their product is suppose to be superior in all aspects from those I have spoken to that have used them.
Thats too mcuh d3.

both your chams should only get d3 twice a month.
without d3 every feeding, with d3 twice a month, and a multivitmain twice a month.

i can vouch for repashy. I use it on all four of my chams. works wonders. adn they love the taste more.
One more! then I am done. Call AquaZamp. for a misting system if you want one of those. Made in America and the "Raindome" makes it rain in your cage. Verry cool.

And no, I am not affiliated with any of these people nor do I know them personally. Just think they do good business and know their shiznet.
thank you

thanks for all the great info..i was told by a local vet that since my chams get no outdoor sunlight they need d3 every feeding should i tell them they are wrong
I don't know enough to answer that. I'm still learning a lot. With my limited knowledge in mind, I would suggest contacting Repashy... (may have spelled it wrong) They are suppose to have the all in one mirical vitamin mixture. And as far as the lights... see above lighting recomendation, He will be able to break down the light spectrum and lighting requirements way better than I can... He can even direct you to some links that will increase your own knowledge on the subject. :) Even if you don't buy anything from him, he
will be happy to talk to you.
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