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  1. M

    can u keep new born veiled chameleons together

    When they are first born. I wanna save space and stuff and have see them in pet stores all together.
  2. M

    What is an inbred baby?

    I'm just curious why is that so bad? I know it's weird for humans but why?
  3. M

    What is an inbred baby?

    Idk what it is.
  4. M

    How to incubate eggs

    I plan to keep like 2 or so and sell the rest. I don't really care about the money to be honest. I just love chameleons. I might even give a few away to my friends.
  5. M

    How to incubate eggs

    I am just looking how hard it is. Me and my dad are just curious.
  6. M

    Breeding my veiled

    Also I had no idea about the search thing.
  7. M

    Breeding my veiled

    It wasn't you being the jerk. Others were. I also love my chameleon and wouldn't dream of selling her. I dust her crickets with calcium everyday and vitamins once a week to prevent MBD. I want to breed her because I am sad they only live 5 years! I already have a female and am thinking about...
  8. M

    How to incubate eggs

    I don't have any but was wondering how to incubate them. Thanks!
  9. M

    Breeding my veiled

    And I thought these forms were to ask questions on.
  10. M

    Breeding my veiled

    Dude. I am not trying to breed right my chameleon now. I am just gonna wait like a year.
  11. M

    Breeding my veiled

    Ya. That's the best plan for me. Thanks
  12. M

    Breeding my veiled

    I kinda knew not to but was just wandering if anyone else had before. That's all about keeping them together.
  13. M

    Breeding my veiled

    I am going to wait Ik I have to wait a while before I do breed I am just doing some research. Y'all on here don't even know how to not be a jerk. I thought these forms were going to help me out but no one even helps me. I just want some advice. I have done a lot of research but I just wanted a...
  14. M

    Breeding my veiled

    I have a female veiled and I'm going to breed her. Can I keep her an the male in the same cage or should I get a new cage for the male? Thanks! Any help needed badly.
  15. M

    Should I breed?!?!

    I have a female veiled and know they are going to lay eggs. I was wondering if I should breed. I'm a new owner. I also was wandering if I could keep the male with the female their entire lives.
  16. M

    Male or female veiled?

    Please help! I really wanna know!
  17. M

    What are your chameleons names?

    Name of veiled Cham Leafy my veiled Cham.
  18. M

    Do all females lay eggs?!?

    I have a female veiled. I think she is female. If they all lay eggs how do I let her lay them? Help!:confused:
  19. M

    Just need some help.

    Thanks Fast response thanks!
  20. M

    Just need some help.

    I am new to these forums an they seem very helpful. I got a baby veiled chameleon and have had for about a month and I don't know much about him/her. I did ALOT of research and just wanna know if I'm doing it right. Any helpful tips and advice is needed!
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