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  1. N

    Im a bit concerned - please help

    Ive never seen mine drink but once from a dropper she may drink u just havnt noticed and she might be scared of the new place and not want to eat just make sure you put a dripper with a bowl to catch the drips and mist twice a day and keep offering crickets or superworms mealworms
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    So I contacted Petsmart's corporate office...

    Nothings going to change about petsmart ive explained my horrible experiance there b4 the employee that sold me my cham told me to buy the exact same setup substrate no uvb just a natuaral light and after more research i went back infurriated they returned everything and sold me proper stuff @...
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    So I contacted Petsmart's corporate office...

    Nice dude super good idea
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    Plant lights

    He is exactly right buy a cheap dome lamp at lowes and a two way light socket and compact floresent lights one kool 6500k and when you want it to bloom warm 2700k cfl witch replicates fall winter sun
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    Looks like my dude got a bit burn i have a 100 reptiglo basking bulb in a adjustable fixture ive noticed that temps very off and on it usaully stays around 87-88 but theres times ive checked and it was up to high 90s i dont know if its the fixture or what but he looks like he got a few burns...
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    live cannabis

    It all depends on what type of cannibis you can get your hands on certin strains were there is no oil secrition u can also break it at the bottom and the first node and no chems will go up the rest of the plant u guys dont know wat your talking about and cannibis is far from poisines to any...
  8. N

    My Enclosures [video]

    Looks nice dude i was going to use compact floresent lighting to but i was told it can cause very bad eye problems im not a hundred it seemed legit though after i look at it and look away im practicly blind for awhile staring at two inches away all day dont seem safe just to let you know
  9. N

    help male acting strange only wants to climb down

    Im not trying to be mean i just dont think advising someone to spend thousands on a bunch of stuff for a cham that might not be here in a month and giving false hope to someone that if they do get all that and it might have nothing to with it
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    help male acting strange only wants to climb down

    I highly doubt camimom is qualified to diagnose mbd from looking at 3 pictures so that should tell you there about the other advise shes giving
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    help male acting strange only wants to climb down

    My suggestion would be not go spend a bunch of money on crap and take him to a liscened vet. And get advise from them
  12. N

    help male acting strange only wants to climb down

    13watt what natural light are you sure its uvb? 5.0 or higher cause without that no matter what supplements or food you give him he will not get properer calcium
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    New setup for my veiled chameleon

    Congrats looks good id put lights on top the cage though chameleons are pretty dumb theyl just burn them selves to death lol i see shceiffia whats the other just currious
  14. N

    Glass Cages Why is everyone against them?

    I thought terraium or glass would look nicer to but my chameleon isnt tge smartest and at times he could see his own reflection and thought it was another cham and causing him to be very stressed also i thought about what id rather be in and even though you can see through glass it would feel...
  15. N

    Why is my veiled chameleon always brown?

    Theres also a number of things wrong with the enclouser such as lights in there he should also be eating crickets dusted with reg calcium no d3 everyday you should prob go through the basic husbandry
  16. N

    Why is my veiled chameleon always brown?

    You should prob get him to vet im not expert but he could be dehidrated waterfall supose to be bad idea cause bacteria a dripper and misting have you seen him drink ? It could be a number of things though
  17. N

    Petsmart Chameleon...

    And people that see that enclosure in the store assume thats the way a chameleon should be housed including there employees im not sure why you was in petsmart but i would find a different place to buy supplies and feeders and such !
  18. N

    Petsmart Chameleon...

    I had similar experience @ petsmart i didnt know much about chams they lady there acted as though she was a professional chameleon keeper who told me to buy a glass inclouser with eco earth at the bottom and instead of a uvb bulb she gave me exo terra natural light bulb and told me to have a...
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    Are chams pretty tuff when it comes to taking falls?
  20. N


    Thanks for the advice guys i have no coco fiber or organic soil but i will rinse it out expec the little white pelite or whatever it is cause ive herd storys about them eating it but it shouldnt matter cause i will cover it with rocks i was just wondering if there was somthing in the soil it...
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