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  1. Ksauber

    Need to find food ASAP!

    He has only gone today without food but only ate 2 dubias yesterday. If he can go a week then I can definitely place n order. I found wax worms but they are even bigger than the dubias. No way he would be able to handle them
  2. Ksauber

    Need to find food ASAP!

    I do have a reptile shop but the smallest they carry is the Dubai nymphs I have that are too big :(
  3. Ksauber

    Need to find food ASAP!

    I have called every walmart and outdoor shop in the are and no luck :( I will have to go check out the walmarts in person I guess just to be sure. If I can't get food until Friday I don't know if he we be ok or starving by then
  4. Ksauber

    New girl from AZ

    Lol ya me too! I'm a minecraft junky so it seemed appropriate
  5. Ksauber

    Need to find food ASAP!

    I have a 2-3 month old veiled Cham that I totally thought I could feed Dubai roach nymphs to, however the ones I bought yesterday are too big. He ate 2, but the 3rd was giving him a lot of issues and I think it freaked him out. If I am using the guide of 'no bigger than the space between his...
  6. Ksauber

    New girl from AZ

    Yeah he is very cute! Just found out from LLL reptiles he is actually between 2-3 months old. His name is Creeper.
  7. Ksauber

    I need help

    I am pretty sure putting them together is a no-no
  8. Ksauber

    Is my living situation right for a Chameleon?

    I have heard veiled a are the easiest for beginners but I only have a veiled so idk
  9. Ksauber

    New girl from AZ

    Hello everyone! Just thought I would formally introduce myself here. I have already posted a few things in regards to my new cham, but haven't said much about myself. I am from the middle of the desert in Tucson, AZ, and I am an animal lover. I have a few pets, but have always predominantly...
  10. Ksauber

    The red-headed step child of UVB

    Alright well based on all of that I think I am going to go with a coil bulb until he gets to his big boy cage. Then I wills with to a strip to cover more space.
  11. Ksauber

    The red-headed step child of UVB

    This is all very good to know. I use coil UVB bulbs with both my sulcata and my blue tongue skink, and was planning on using one for my Cham while he is in his baby cage, but got kind of spooked by so many warnings. I have never had my other animals have issues with them but I figured since...
  12. Ksauber

    The red-headed step child of UVB

    So I have read many times over that you should not get a UVB light built that screws in to a standard lamp. Instead you should get a tube. It makes no difference if both are called reptisun 5.0, the tube is the only option. Recently, at a reptile show, I was told by a few people from a...
  13. Ksauber

    Big Humidity problems

    Just an update, but after moving the gauge to the center of the cage I am getting to 80% right after a spray, and it slowly goes down to about 40% when it drys out a bit. So hopefully I can maintain that. The temp goes down considerably when I spray which seems pretty normal, so hopefully both...
  14. Ksauber

    Big Humidity problems

    Thanks for the reply. I am using a digital thermometer with a probe that attaches to a vine. I had it in the basking spot to just make sure the temp was ok, but since it is temp/hygro combined, it measures both at the basking spot. Now that I know the heat of the basking area, I will definitely...
  15. Ksauber

    Big Humidity problems

    I had thought about doing this with plexigass cut to size, but it is good to know there are other materials I can use. I may have to try that. Where should I be measuring the humidity? Is measuring it from the basking spot a good idea?
  16. Ksauber

    Is my living situation right for a Chameleon?

    Just want to say, your reply has help me out big time. even though this isn't my thread lol. I just posted last night in another thread about the humidity issues I was having here in Tucson AZ, and there are definitely some things listed here that I definitely want to try!
  17. Ksauber

    Big Humidity problems

    Good to know. I do have the other cage ready just in case, but it is good to hear that it won't be needed yet. I already have a hard time finding this guy in his cage as it is! The heat I wasn't too concerned about, it was more just the humidity. I was prepared to get some plexi to seal in 2...
  18. Ksauber

    Big Humidity problems

    Thanks for the quick replies guys! I'm surprised to hear the cage is too small, but I do have a larger one I could move him into. Right now his basking spot is getting to around 85 degrees, which again is what I read is appropriate for veilds of this size. (He is 1month old and only 2 inches...
  19. Ksauber

    Big Humidity problems

    I am having some big humidity problems in my enclosure right now, and I am not sure how to solve them. I have included a pic of the enclosure so you can see if I may be doing something wrong. The enclosure is 16" deep, 16" wide, and 18" tall, and all screen, except for the bottom, which is...
  20. Ksauber

    Baby veiled - how old is he?

    His Name is officially Creeper! Thanks for the help guys! I just gave him his first dubia nymphs and he decided to atc like a badass and change colors. Thought I would share!
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