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  1. haykalo96

    New baby panther's first pic….

    so sweet little cham!
  2. haykalo96


    hey guys! this is my 3 month old veiled chameleons name golem. show me yours! hehe
  3. haykalo96


    Can i handle my 3 month old veiled chameleon everyday? I heard that if handle it everyday, it will be tame. Ive tried several times but it will turn dark. Help me please. Thanks!
  4. haykalo96

    Dubia roaches

    Hey guys! Can i give my 3 month old veiled chameleon a juvenile dubia roaches? And i heard dubia roaches is better then crickets? Is that true? Thanks
  5. haykalo96

    New setup for my veiled chameleon

    thanks man! its not a fogger. its a water fountain.
  6. haykalo96

    New setup for my veiled chameleon

    okay thanks. hand misting :)
  7. haykalo96

    New setup for my veiled chameleon

    thanks! it is on top of the cage. i dont know whats the other plant hehe
  8. haykalo96

    New setup for my veiled chameleon

    the red thing is where i put some water and the cord coming out from it is the wire for a fountain.
  9. haykalo96

    New setup for my veiled chameleon

    hey guys! ive just bought a new veiled chameleon 2 weeks ago. here is the setup. please let me know if i have to do something to the cage. thanks guys :)
  10. haykalo96

    please help me...

    usually my chameleon runs from me if a want to touch her.. but now, my chameleon dont care anymore... eyes sunken a little bit.. not eating very well... tongue doesnt eject properly and always drop its food... Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - senegal chameleon, female i guess, 7 month. ive...
  11. haykalo96

    Please help me...

    For the past two weeks, my chameleon always turns dark... And now my chameleon refuse to pleasee
  12. haykalo96


    Oh is it? Alrite. So now, im going to setup a laying bin for her. Thank camimom :)
  13. haykalo96


    But, her belly is not that big :/ thanks
  14. haykalo96


    Not at the moment. She can produce eggs without males?
  15. haykalo96


    Why is my senegal chameleon likes to go to the bottom of the cage? And when it gets to the bottom, she will be very dark. And also, she doesnt eat that much nowadays. About 1-2 crickets a day. Hmm
  16. haykalo96

    Senegal chameleon

    Dont have. I heard that they can get pregnant without male?
  17. haykalo96

    Senegal chameleon

    Im wondering, when is my senegal chameleon going to have an egg? Its about 21cm long. Female
  18. haykalo96

    Measuring chameleons

    How to measure my chameleon? Its like impossible to measure my chameleon because it moves around. Can anyone help me? Thankyou :)
  19. haykalo96

    Carpet Cham

    Gorgeous chameleon youve got there!
  20. haykalo96

    Can chameleons eat at night?

    Thanks guys :)
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