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  1. G

    veil sick..

    Thanks for the help.. The light is a brand new 5.0 bulb not a long one though. Calling my vet tomorrow to get liquid calcium. Ill keep everyone updated thanks again for everyones help. Robert
  2. G

    sick veiled, maybe mbd?

    Looks like a female, just like my luigi.. Mate
  3. G

    veil sick..

    here is the things I am feeding him. can he make a come back or is it just a matter of time? anyone know any good rep vets in the northeast pa area? Thanks Rob
  4. G

    veil sick..

    Luigi photos [/ATTACH] here are the pics I will keep the light off at night and should I unplug the heat mat on the bottom? thanks for all your help. Rob
  5. G

    veil sick..

    my little guy Luigi has been acting wierd the last few weeks not walking right and hanging at the bottom of the cage. So I brought him to the vet in town and he said he has a respitory infection and gave me meds for it. I have been giving them by mouth the last week or so but no better. he looks...
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