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  1. S

    New rescue, meet Grumpy!!

    So, for those who don't know or remember me, I work at Petco as a dog trainer. My main store doesn't carry reptiles (that goodness!), but in May, I started working at one that does, as they have no trainer. Needless to say, the staff didn't really know how to care for chameleons, and there was...
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    Screen cat enclosure; would it work with a chameleon?

    So I was just on amazon looking for an item to attach to the dremel I'm buying for my dog's nails, and stumbled onto a screen enclosure that let's cats "safely be outdoors". I don't know how well this will work for kitties, but I thought it might be a cool way to let a chameleon experience a...
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    Delilah, your suffering has ended.

    Thank you all for your kind words. I am very happy that I did take her, although she didn't make it, it was a much better end to what it could have been, and she has a good resting place under our lemon tree. I am a dog trainer at the store I got her from, and I am working with the companion...
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    Charm very sick barely moving

    I'm sorry to hear about your loss. I would focus on the male you have, and get him comfortable and attended to before purchasing another one. They are very sensitive creatures.
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    Question? Sick? Dehydrated? Shedding?

    Showers aside, if you are new to chameleons, I really suggest you fill out the "How to Ask for Help" questionnaire. The members here are great and set me off on a really good foot when I got my chameleon.
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    Quick health question, Napping?

    Is there any type of light on at night that would hinder his ability to get restful sleep? When I first got my Jackson's, the previous owner had his red heat lamp on at all times, and shortly after I made the change of turning everything off at night (chameleons prefer a 10-15 degree drop in...
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    Charm very sick barely moving

    Why don't people research animals before they buy them? No offense to the original poster (I'm sorry your girl isn't well), this is a question for a broad umbrella, whether it be breeds of dogs, leopard geckos, snakes, etc. It's not solely the stores fault, but I do agree that they should have...
  8. S

    Fallen chameleon. What do I do?

    Thank you guys for your kind words and sympathy; that is always the hard part when trying to nurse a life back to health. I am usually okay when it comes to these circumstances (learned a lot on how to stay distant in the process and come to terms with losses), but this girl really had a special...
  9. S

    Delilah, your suffering has ended.

    Today, the little veiled I attempted to rescue finally got peace from her suffering. When I got her, she had severe metabolic bone disease, a respiratory infection, two infected eyes, and was frail and lethargic. I didn't want to see her die in a pet store, so I took her home to try and give her...
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    Fallen chameleon. What do I do?

    Today she lost the long fight that she's been on for most of her short life. We had an appointment with recommended Dr. Greek tomorrow at 4:30, but everything going on with her was just too much. At least she is no longer suffering, and she knew kindness and love in the end. She was outside in...
  11. S

    Male Veiled always wants out. Help please.

    My Jackson's always wanted out of his cage when I first rescued him. I made major improvements to his enclosure, and now when I go to open it to move him to his outdoor enclosure during the day, or for any reason, he turns colors telling me to f-off lol. If you could post pictures of the...
  12. S

    help with popping sound

    Dacrazycanadian is correct, but please fill out the form so we can address what issues might have caused it, and prevent anything else from occurring health wise down the line. They can go downhill quickly without proper husbandry and if issues aren't treated quickly!
  13. S

    help with popping sound

    Hello, welcome to the forum and to the wonderful world of chameleons!! As awesome as they are, they are very sensitive creatures and can be difficult to care for at first. We were all new to them at some point (I still am; only been about a month and a half since I got mine dropped into my lap)...
  14. S

    Fallen chameleon. What do I do?

    She is on liquid calcium, I would give her 2 drops mixed in with her formulated food for the first week, and she's been on 1 drop mixed in since Thursday. I don't give her all of the prepared food (usually .1 to .3 ml two to three times a day). The vet only prescribed it for one week and I am...
  15. S

    Feet inflamation, loosing claws

    He should try giving it away to someone that actually cares about animals and will get it help. When you take an animal, it becomes a responsibility. Maybe you can take if and find it someone? Is there anything in the cage that would cause his feet to blister? How far is the light from the top...
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    Sickly Chameleon

    D: I'm sorry your boy isn't feeling well. And that's the last straw- I'm going to see if I can get ahold of corporate's number and tell them about all the horror stories of chameleons from our stores. I've said this before, but none of the employees are happy about the chameleons for sale...
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    Fallen chameleon. What do I do?

    A little update. Tonight I gave her a nice, long soak (cupped in my hands) to help loosen up her muscles. Then, after a while I moved her spine under the running water to apply minimal pressure- she didn't mind. After that, I put small amounts of pressure along her back legs to check for...
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    Fallen chameleon. What do I do?

    Yes, I forgot my password and the email I signed up with so I made a mad dash to make a new account; needed input ASAP. She can move her back legs some, but very little. She doesn't fuss when I mess with them, only along one part of her spine above the hip- and oh boy, does she get angry...
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    Fallen chameleon. What do I do?

    Yeah that's what I was going by, so I've been calling her my little girl. That's the worst part- she was doing so much better... I posted earlier today about how she was improving and her color starting to go green again. And as per the...
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    Is her eye gone?

    And she's drinking on her own now (sometimes)!!!
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