Quick health question, Napping?


New Member
If my Chameleon is climbing a lot, then kind of takes a break, closes both eyes for maybe a minute or 2 then keeps going, is that dehydration? Because he doesn't have any symptoms of dehydration but he does that, any answers appreciated.
If my Chameleon is climbing a lot, then kind of takes a break, closes both eyes for maybe a minute or 2 then keeps going, is that dehydration? Because he doesn't have any symptoms of dehydration but he does that, any answers appreciated.

We can't even guess without more information on your care and setup. Chams who sleep during the day can be suffering from all sorts of problems. Sometimes small babies take little naps, but an older cham that is closing its eyes during the day may be sick, not just dehydrated.

At the top of this forum find the sticky message "how to ask for help" Respond to the questions with as much detail as you can. Then describe what you are worried about (dehydration). I'll bet we can help you then.
Is there any type of light on at night that would hinder his ability to get restful sleep? When I first got my Jackson's, the previous owner had his red heat lamp on at all times, and shortly after I made the change of turning everything off at night (chameleons prefer a 10-15 degree drop in temps at night) he stopped napping during the day. The previous owners also dusted his feeders too often, and that can also cause problems. And I wasn't sure of their watering schedule (and they had no mister).

So like the other poster stated, fill out that questionnaire, as there could be a myriad of things that might be awry. Good looking out for him, though, and seeking advice :)
I really hope you don't take this like I am being harsh-that is definitely not my intention. Like I said in the other thread you have going on this cham you need to take her to the vet. She has one shut eye, is "napping" and is making popping sounds with a raised head. This is not normal chameleon behavior. She may or may not have an RI, the eye may in fact be shed or debris and the closed eyes could be a stress reaction from all of the attention. With a cham that young though you are better off with a professional opinion than all of us guessing based on second hand observations. You seem like a caring owner- I am sure you will do the right thing!
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