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    Incubation scare...

    Thank you for the info!! I've got the temp stabilized now again. I'm so excited about that egg and it could really change things for me so I have a lot of hope for it and really getting me started on ambolobe's. Thanks again.
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    Incubation scare...

    So I have a panther chameleon egg thats been incubating at about 74 degrees since janurary. Long story short here... I left for work today with the light turned on in the small closet where the egg is and the closet got upto 85 degrees when I got home! I'm really worried that I could have...
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    veiled chameleon

    Are you going to use a misting system or mist yourself? I mist by hand for now and try really hard to avoid the wood and haven't had any problems since I built the cage.
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    Mbd ?

    Hopefully its just a little quirk that will go away in time. It sounds like you are intelligent and care enough to take good care of him. I know when I got my male from people that didn't take care of him I was constantly finding things that I thought were wrong then after a couple days he...
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    New Cage for my Old Guy

    I would go to the hardware store and get some various sized dowels. You can get them for like 68 cents each. I would place a bunch in there if he is having a hard time grabbing and he's falling. You can get them going in all directions and put a tack through the screen to hold them and then...
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    Mbd ?

    What do you mean by shaking? Like he/she shakes back and forth while walking or twitches in his legs? Here is a link to one that talks about leg twitches and MBD: Here is a link that covers the shaking back...
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    veiled chameleon

    I was actually thinking you had a girl when I first saw the pictures! I tend not to comment on it though as I was wrong once and felt like a total idiot but if that was my lizard, I would assume a girl for now. The cage looks fine but maybe tighten the front up a bit where the 2 screens meet...
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    Sick veiled- should I take it on?

    Good point on the silk worms! Definitely worth investing in if you are worried about hydration. My guy probably wasn't as bad off as I thought considering they had him drinking from a stale dirty bowl but silk worms were awesome for us and helped me worry about hydration less and his poop was...
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    Need help breeding

    I'm not an expert but I've done my home work and I do think they should be housed separate and you should wait until she's ready. There's plenty of signs to look for and things you can do to stimulate them though if you look online and read about it. I also must say that you are not the first...
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    Sick veiled- should I take it on?

    That poor girl. I'm so lucky my guy didn't have mbd. From the pictures it looks like she has it but not as bad as one I saw on you tube that a lady rescued. I'll be following your posts on the road to recovery with her. You can probably expect all sorts of changes as she gets better. The dude...
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    Sick veiled- should I take it on?

    I don't at all regret buying my chameleon when he was sick. Chances of a vet visit over 150 dollars I think is slim since that's what I paid and mine had to have an abcsess lanced and I got antibiotics. I feel like he knows I helped him too because he's pretty tolerant of me and friendly when...
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    New veiled chameleon loaded with issues

    Thanks :) It's really strange. It looks like there is a clear bubble like film over his left eye and then he'll puff it up super big and rub it hard against anything coarse he finds to include his arm. When he's rubbing it his eye socket looks like he's going to stretch and rip it out. After...
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    New veiled chameleon loaded with issues

    Thank you. I tried your trick and found that it was easier for me without the towel. Holding his arm in between my fingers palm facing up close to his ankle allowing me to "pull" his leg tight and shooting with the right hand seems to work. Did a second injection tonight with this method. He...
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    New veiled chameleon loaded with issues

    its a Zoomed 5.0 26W. I'm still not sure if its the bulb. His eyes got bad again after I took him to the vets but I think they are slowly getting better. I still flush his eyes with saline from time to time and afterwards his eyes look better and he opens them more. It's a shame but I think...
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    Veiled has swollen eye!

    Sorry I don't have any advice but I'm glad you are giving the meds orally! I have to give mine injections and it is not fun.
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    New veiled chameleon loaded with issues

    Thank you Rodcham. I'm glad some one is following the progress :) Now I think I have a UVB issue that cause his eyes to swell. His eyes seem to get better when I don't use the UVB at all and just give him sunlight. Talk about learning a lot with your first Chameleon!
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    Too breed or not to breed

    You kind of already answered my question regarding genetics Olimpia so thank you. From what your post says I am assuming that without seeing the females parents I could assume that their coloration should in some way be passed down. I know it seems pretty miniscule to breed for coloration in a...
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    Too breed or not to breed

    Thank you guys! Good info junglefries, thanks! I have researched this a lot and time and money isn't an issue. I am already a business owner but have always had a passion for pets and more so for leopard geckos and recently chameleons. I want to thoroughly do my home work then dive in. I...
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    New veiled chameleon loaded with issues

    Anyone that has administered antibiotics via injections successfully please help me! I almost don't want to do it since I feel that he has became more sad and afraid of me. I have to inject a needle into his arm every 72 hours for quite some time! He bled the first time when the vet did it to...
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    New veiled chameleon loaded with issues

    Thanks! I try to get the most water a little warm so I'll put the gallon of distilled water on top of my house heater. Well I am at the vets now to get the abscess removed and cleaned. The whole thing plus his antibiotic injections costed 140 which is totally worth it and a lot less than I...
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