Veiled has swollen eye!


New Member
My 8 month old Yemen's eye appears swollen....I tried manually washing it out with water and it is still swollen. Is there anything I can do as far as home care or should I seek vet care?


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Does he have a bump on the bridge of his nose? Your pictures are kinda blurry. Veilds are prone to sinus infections which can effect their eyes. They get abcesses on their nose too which can effect their eyes also. He should be seen by a vet. I don't think flushing the eye is going to do anything.
It does kind of look like he has a bump on his nose in some pictures but it is hard to tell. Most likely he will need medication (an antibiotic I would guess) to clear that up so will need vet care.
Thank you everyone for your help...I woke up Friday morning and it looked like he had a fat donut on his eye, so I took him to the hero vet. He took a throat culture it showed nothing so he took a culture from his eye (Stevie was not happy about a needle but he was a trooper) the results showed a bacterial infection. He prescribed bytril and warm compresses. He had me mix the bytril with a gallon of water and since Steve drinks from the spray bottle he is having me administer it that way. Today he is looking better, still some swelling and he seems to be sleepier than normal but active and eating good. I have herd bytril can cause dehydration, loose stools, and stomach problems...does anyone have any advice on this? I will post pictures tomorrow.
Sorry I don't have any advice but I'm glad you are giving the meds orally! I have to give mine injections and it is not fun.
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