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  1. D

    My PaRdA cReW

    Hello again !!! Happy you like my chams ! I post pix of my first pardalis, a nosy be F1 named Odin.... i had him in 1999, he left us in 2006, he was like an really old guy in the end. Let me know what you think about him... And if you want to see more of my old pardas...
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    Orange Bar Ankaramy

    How old he is ? It's a beauty !
  3. D

    My PaRdA cReW

    Faly is a WC and mitsio is a farming from Ukraine ....
  4. D

    My PaRdA cReW

    I think a good camera does really help :) There a lot of beauties in France, I assume it's the same oversea :) But thank you a lot for your messages....look at his sister on my other post :p
  5. D

    My PaRdA cReW

    Why not, if i'm here...
  6. D

    A little QUIZZ

    I bought two females of this clutch, the second one was for another guy.... but i don't have news. I think there was other females from this clutch..... I remember the breeder was complaining, cause he had almost females on this clutch... and people were looking for males.... She also has a...
  7. D

    A little QUIZZ

    It's a 2 years old mitsio female....she laid a 42 eggs clutch about 3 monthes ago.... she's huge, something like 15 inch.... She always have been a beatiful animal, but 1 monthes ago she suddenly showed new colores ! Before she was pink and green/turquoise....I'll show you pictures of her...
  8. D

    A little QUIZZ

    Lyl cheater :p !!!!! You already knew ;)
  9. D

    A little QUIZZ

    I can give the answer if you wish... you will not find.... it's a question without an answer ^^ you can't find it :)
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    A little QUIZZ

    You'll have seen it changed a lot since the last time it sloughed skin....
  11. D

    My PaRdA cReW

    I have eggs, but they don't seem to be good... The female wasn't in a great shape so... may be a hatchling plan with Nitro who just 0bought 2 faly females... (si Audrey a pas lâché la réponse sur tana, jette un oeil sur le quizz :p)
  12. D

    My PaRdA cReW

    few updates one year and half later :
  13. D

    A little QUIZZ

    That's right, it looks like an Ampiskiana, but a smoking one.... But it'not my answer.... you have to be more open minded !!
  14. D

    A little QUIZZ

    A restaurant if you come in Paris ;)
  15. D

    A little QUIZZ

    the check ? ( the answer ) ? Sorry i'm french, so i've got problems with subtilities :p It's a nice try Sang.... but it's not really the answer i'm waiting for.... Another pic :
  16. D

    A little QUIZZ

    All my consideration :)
  17. D

    A little QUIZZ

    It's not a cross :) Another pic ? I'll give you some clues during a few days.... then i'll give the answer in 4/5days :) Hope it will be fun :)
  18. D

    A little QUIZZ

    Nope....It a litte bit complicated....
  19. D

    A little QUIZZ

    Hi ! What do you think it is ???!!!
  20. D

    My PaRdA cReW

    Thank you for these answers ! A few more shot Mini mitsio : Mister Faly : Female Faly
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