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    Carpet Cham

    I'm in the process of trying to contact the breeder as well as the people that run the show. Not sure if this was just a simple matter of a tag being switched or the guy was scamming people. Put to rest the worries I had about him being so small. Only paid $150 for him so it's not a huge loss.
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    firebugs feeders?

    They can emit a foul odor from vents on either side if their thorax and regurgitate an offensive stomach fluid. Birds, amphibians, mammals snack on them in the wild. But I don't think I'd risk it. Getting some of the stomach fluid in the eye of a Cham could be a disaster.
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    Carpet Cham

    LLL does have Carpets but it doesn't specify if they are CB or not. I've never dealt with LLL before and would perfer a smaller breeder over a big store. But I may roll the dice if nothing else turns up.
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    Carpet Cham

    Thank You. He is an awesome little guy. Photos are a couple months old and he has grown a little since.
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    Carpet Cham

    Thought I'd share a few shots of my Carpet Cham. I've had him since the end of Feb. and so far so good. He was sold as a Nosey Be which is not the case at all. He is currently seeking a soul mate that isn't wild caught. So if anyone has any leads shoot me a PM.
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    Repashy Bug Burger and Calcium Plus

    Anyone here use Repashy's Bug Burger or Calcium Plus? Just placed an order for both this morning. The burger will be fed to Dubia colony and crix. Both will be dusted with the calcium plus for Jekyll's (6 month Nosey B) meals. Just wondering if anyone has used both and if so what schedule do you...
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    6 month old Nosy B eyes closed

    Thanks for the advice. Switched out the orange cubes for some arugula and basil. I'll try the fish liver oil in this morning's feeding. His eyes are open as of now but he is sluggish and not showing much interest in his breakfast. As far as misting I'll do it on and off for 10-20 minute...
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    6 month old Nosy B eyes closed

    Your Chameleon - Nosy B, six months old, in my care for 4 months Handling - 1-2 times a week to go to outdoor perch. Feeding - 1/4" crickets, mealworms, Dubai roaches(offered but not eaten) Wax Worms (offered but rarely eaten). Light feeder only 5-6 crickets/mealworms per feeding . Given...
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