6 month old Nosy B eyes closed


New Member
Your Chameleon - Nosy B, six months old, in my care for 4 months
Handling - 1-2 times a week to go to outdoor perch.
Feeding - 1/4" crickets, mealworms, Dubai roaches(offered but not eaten) Wax Worms (offered but rarely eaten). Light feeder only 5-6 crickets/mealworms per feeding . Given after the light comes on @ 7 AM and and sometime @ 6 PM. Gutloaded on orange cubes.
Supplements - Fluker's calcium with D3 twice a week (think this is where my and his problem may be)
Watering - misted at roughly 7 AM and 6 PM with a slow drip through out the day
Fecal Description - Solid, Brown, with white urate
Has this chameleon ever been tested for parasites? No
History - Has never been an aggressive feeder. On the shy side when feeding

Cage Info:
Cage Type -Oceanic with screen top and sides. Front and back are glass. 30X24X12.
Lighting - Exo Terra Solar-Glo High Intensity Self-Ballasted Uv/Heat Mercury Vapor Lamp 125 WT
Temperature - 85-90 in basking spot. 70-75 in the shade. Temps may have been higher this past week due to the hot weather. Lowest it will dip to is the mid 60's with a window open at night.
Humidity - 40%-75%. Depending on misting.
Plants - Dracaena and ficus. Both in the set up upon the cham's arrival.
Placement - Den. Window fan and low traffic. 4 foot to the top of the tank?
Location - Pennsylvania

Current Problem - Lethargic and closed eyes today with the light on. Know that is a very bad sign. Offered some roaches and crix this morning but no interest was shown. He has been eating less than his already meager helpings all week. Possibly due to the higher temps? He was drinking during his morning misting and also his evening misting and cleaning his eyes. I've cut out the nutes with D3 for the time being. I was curious to the know what the signs of too much D3 are and had concerns about taking him outside for some sun tomorrow if he already has too much D3 in his system. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
I think you problems lies in a deficiency or d3 overdose. I would suggest you buying some fish liver oil that can be found in many health section of stores. They are gel capsules. I would pierce one with a needle and smear the back of one cricket. I would do this once and see how it goes the following day. If it is closed do the same thing again. I would do this in total of three days. If you dont see a improvement within the forth day. This is not your problem. Next i would cut the calcium with D3 completely. The mvb bulb you have is giving all the vit d your guy needs. Many are switching to the repashy all in one calcium. I have been using but not every feeding so i can vouch for it personally. My personal regiment consist of plain phos free calcium every feeding and twice a month reptivite. i urge you to also look into gut loading. this is a very important step in keeping chameleons. Check out sandrachameleons or ferretinmyshoes blogs for great ingredients.

Temps need to be monitored by a digital therm with a probe. This way you can always see what the hot spot is at.

Edit: How long are you misting for?
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Thanks for the advice. Switched out the orange cubes for some arugula and basil. I'll try the fish liver oil in this morning's feeding. His eyes are open as of now but he is sluggish and not showing much interest in his breakfast. As far as misting I'll do it on and off for 10-20 minute intervals. He'll get to spend some time in the sun this afternoon so hopefully that'll have some positive effects.
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