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  1. Hadeesh

    Shedding Problem

    So I purchased my Jacksons chameleon about two weeks ago, and when I bought him he looked like he was in the middle of shedding. Well now its two weeks later and he still has small patches of skin on his body all the way to his tail, and his head is still covered with dead skin except for...
  2. Hadeesh

    Home Made Screen Cage Advice

    Further Update: I got a new dripping system, the little dropper, because the pump I was using decided to quit on me. I also plan on swapping the bottom tote out for a deeper one, with hundreds of holes drilled through it. Or, just adding on another PVC attachment to make it taller.
  3. Hadeesh

    Home Made Screen Cage Advice

    UPDATE: I changed out the galvanized wire for pvc coated 1/2 inch cloth. Looks better and seems safer. Thanks for the suggestions! P.s., if my cham were to get sick from the galvanized wire, how soon would it be apparent? It has been in the galvanized cage for about a week.
  4. Hadeesh

    Home Made Screen Cage Advice

    Carl, it's galvanized. And I haven't had any problems with sharp edges except where I've cut it, but I wrap the edges. And do you think it ought to be bigger? I can always make it taller, not so much wider.
  5. Hadeesh

    Home Made Screen Cage Advice

    Little more info: Jacksons Chameleon 6 months old Male
  6. Hadeesh

    Home Made Screen Cage Advice

    Hello! I am posting today just to get a little advice on the setup I have, whether or not there is something more I could do or change. So lets get to it. My cage is 30x18x23, and is made of PVC piping, steel mesh (more like chicken wire) and the bottom is made of a plastic tote. I have...
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