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  1. K

    Sick Female Veiled Chameleon

    Update: She is keeping her eyes open a lot more, eating good, drinking, and moving around a lot. Im so happy she's doing better.
  2. K

    new chameleon owner. eating too much?

    That makes sense because he is actually starting to shed now and hes more for his mealworms than crickets now.
  3. K

    new chameleon owner. eating too much?

    He wouldn't be too happy about that. If he could talk he would repeat im hungry all day. But if he has like one or two crickets left in his terrarium would that harm him before he wakes up and eats them?
  4. K

    new chameleon owner. eating too much?

    I have a male veiled chameleon. I am honestly not sure how old he is but I am guessing around 1 year. I will post a picture so maybe someone will know. He always wants to eat. I feed him around 10 crickets and 10 mealworms everyday. After its gone he will stare a hole through me and then go into...
  5. K

    Sick Female Veiled Chameleon

    I didnt use saline, just water and cotton balls. I wasnt able to get her to take the vitamin a. Maybe it was the substrate petco told me to use? Seems like once that was gone and she got some fresh air and sun she was content again. I did notice today she has a small, healing, scratch above her...
  6. K

    Sick Female Veiled Chameleon

    Thought i would update that today she opened her eyes and ate herself. It was beautiful out today so i took her out for fresh air and sunlight and she perked right up. As soon as i got her back inside she went straight to eating. :)
  7. K

    Sick Female Veiled Chameleon

    I will. Thank you for the advice. He does, if my 1 yr old daughter gets in his view he immediately gets really bright and starts bobbing and she will start giggling and he just gets more colorful and rocks a lot.
  8. K

    Sick Female Veiled Chameleon

    She hasnt kept her mouth open since those three times. I gave her a good misting and she hasnt done that since. I got the vitamin a for her. I tried getting a sooner appointment but they are completely booked. He was very bright and bobbing his head. Hes done it since we first got him. He will...
  9. K

    Sick Female Veiled Chameleon

    I tried holding a worm to her mouth dusted with vitamin without d3 and she didnt take it she just backed away and buried her head in my hand. I have a kind of off topic question. When i got her out and the male saw her he started turning orange around his eyes and puffed out real big everywhere...
  10. K

    Sick Female Veiled Chameleon

    Today i got the calcium without d3 and the multivitamin and some small mealworms. What can i do to help her eat? Can i maybe hold a mealworm near her mouth so she can feel it wiggling and hopefully take it? She opened her eyes a few times today, moving around more but mainly just to find a...
  11. K

    Sick Female Veiled Chameleon

    Heres a couple from both sides. Note: chameleon was not upside down, that is just how my camera turned it when i took a landscape view picture.
  12. K

    Sick Female Veiled Chameleon

    Okay i will call today and get an appointment set up. With her being sick i moved her into a smaller terrarium so she wouldnt fall from really high up. I will get a more recent picture later today of her. I can put a picture of her the day before. She started the spots when we got our male, who...
  13. K

    Sick Female Veiled Chameleon

    Before i got her i did a lot of research on veiled chameleons and everything i do is what ive found and what pet stores have told me and so far nothing has stayed the same. The red light ive been using because we have had nothing but thunder storms so it gets a little chilly inside. I have a...
  14. K

    Sick Female Veiled Chameleon

    I purchased a female veiled chameleon from my local Petco one week ago, along with a male. I had to return him because they failed to mention he has a serious eating issue and showed previous signs of MBD. The female acted fine. Your chemeleon- female veiled chameleon. Told she is 2 months. I...
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