new chameleon owner. eating too much?


New Member
I have a male veiled chameleon. I am honestly not sure how old he is but I am guessing around 1 year. I will post a picture so maybe someone will know. He always wants to eat. I feed him around 10 crickets and 10 mealworms everyday. After its gone he will stare a hole through me and then go into his hunting mode. Usually I will put a couple extra crickets in and i wont even be out of his terrarium before he already starts snagging the crickets up. I don't want to over feed him because im sure that could be harmful too.


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Feed him how much he wants to eat in a day. Then leave him a day or so, or just offer one or two insects. But still offer water every day. Adults usually slow down considerably how much they eat as they get older.
He wouldn't be too happy about that. If he could talk he would repeat im hungry all day. But if he has like one or two crickets left in his terrarium would that harm him before he wakes up and eats them?
I also have a male veiled chameleon. At certain times (maybe when he's getting a growth spurt & about to shed), he will eat A LOT of crickets. Sometimes 25 or 30 a day. I only give him maybe 4 or 5 mealworms every other day, and he loves silkworms, too.
That makes sense because he is actually starting to shed now and hes more for his mealworms than crickets now.
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