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  1. Corallee

    Companion for my chameleon?

    Now, i know his fired up color(when he sees her) is different then, what i thought, was is normal green color, and always, until he matured, he would maintain it. is was a pail green with light striping. and then once he mated with here, i separated then, and ever sense is been brown... :/
  2. Corallee

    Companion for my chameleon?

    not sure yet, Its been about a month and the eggs are seemingly well. no rotting or molding. they have a brown spot that developed a week after they were laid. but they are seemingly healthy :D
  3. Corallee

    Help with jacksons

    His is is warning sign of "Hey buddy, back off!" He's doesn't like whatever it is your doing. Don't be offended, its in his nature.
  4. Corallee

    New owner. Cage pics and tips appreciated

    Oh, and you little dude there is in fact a dude!(or if im seeing correctly by your picture) Vieleds are really cool because you can sex them from birth. Look on his back feet, if he as a little spur or bump on his heel(this is called a tarsal spur, he is in fact a boy. Girls do not have these...
  5. Corallee

    Companion for my chameleon?

    Well i have them in a big 24Lx18Dx48H with a cardboard divider. They have both have there own UVB and heat lamps. and there highest basking point the temp is about 90. And she seems fine, she just laid eggs and is skinny, but is eating well and is happy as can be. He can't see her, but he is...
  6. Corallee

    Companion for my chameleon?

    So, i know chameleons.. especially Veileds (which is what i have) are very solitary and territorial by nature. Well i first bought my guys I got my Female first she was about a month old. and about 3 weeks later i got my Male who was also about a month old. I kept them together when they were...
  7. Corallee

    Veiled Chameleon, Sick??

    So how doesn't the excess salt/mineral develop? Is there something i can do to make it go away, or stop it in the future? I have well water could this be why? Would adding a water conditioner fix this? Thanks
  8. Corallee

    Veiled Chameleon, Sick??

    Perhaps you may want to search the average temps for Yemen, where they are from. The average low is about 68-72f and the highs can reach up to 128f in the summer times. There general avenger there is around 85-95f. I'm not one for fighting or trolling, but I have to strongly disagree with...
  9. Corallee

    Veiled Chameleon, Sick??

    Thanks, But actually Jacksons should be kept at about 80-85, where Veiled come from a hotter climate and 90-100f is perfect for them.:)
  10. Corallee

    Veiled Chameleon, Sick??

    So! I've noticed that my female veiled had a crust on her nose. at first i thought it was just shed. i wiped it off... and then she never shed, and now both of her nose wholes have crust on them. Shes still drinking and eating the same, and doesn't seem sick. Do chameleons get colds? Or is...
  11. Corallee

    feeding - reasurrance needed

    I have a male and a Female, and my female eats like a PIG! eats everything, worms beetles, crickets. Where my male would ONLY eat crickets. and only a few at a time. For me, knowing that he loved crickets, I would feed him a handful of them on day one and offer some worms or beetles. If by...
  12. Corallee

    White, Mucusy poop, Reasons why?

    So my female veiled chameleons poop(not urate) is coded in a white mucus like-goo. She laid eggs 11/2/12 and i've been dusting every feeding with calcium dust where before i was dusting 3-4 feedings a week. Could this be why? Or is there something else..... Usually her poop is nice brown...
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