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  1. BrokenTail


    Get as much as you want. I do feed some adult male dubia to my female jackson's, female roach are too wide to feed to my chameleons. Heat is important too, if the temperature is too low they won't breed. By the way how many chameleon are you feeding ?
  2. BrokenTail


    I'm no expert but I been raising Dubia Roaches for almost 6 months. I have close to one thousands or maybe more. I haven't really feed too many off. All you really need is about 50-60 Adult, I prefer Large Nymph you can keep them longer. Here what you will need. Rubbermaid tote or a glass...
  3. BrokenTail

    If your thinking about breeding crix...

    Awesome, can't wait to get started. Just need one more tote. Thanks for taking the pictures.
  4. BrokenTail

    If your thinking about breeding crix...

    Wow 7th generation is very good bro. Save tons of cash. Can I ask for pictures of your setup. Please:D
  5. BrokenTail

    If your thinking about breeding crix...

    Hey Jsiddens. What generation are you at right now, or how many time had you breed your crickets? And is heat lamp important for hatching the eggs? or have you done it without heat.
  6. BrokenTail

    Has this happened to anyone?

    Lobster roaches climb wall don't they? Seem like they could turn to pest.
  7. BrokenTail

    Shedding Question ?

    Hey guys. I was wondering is it okay for my Ambilobe to shed so offend. I got him one month ago July the 15. It's Aug 20 now a little bit more then a month he had shed 3 time. Should be a sign of good health right? also when do baby jackson or baby chameleon start their first shed. My baby...
  8. BrokenTail

    Has this happened to anyone?

    I ask LLLReptile if they would put half .5 and half .25 in the same box. The answer was no.
  9. BrokenTail

    Has this happened to anyone?

    I order crickets from LLLReptile as-well, I only order 1,000 at a time. I do notice some very small one here and there, But am happy with the crickets. I'm thinking about breeding crickets too. I think you have to put soil in a container for the crickets to laid in then transfer it in a warm...
  10. BrokenTail

    Jackson Night Shots.

    Nice Jackson's, The second is awesome.The horn are growing really nice.
  11. BrokenTail

    A dead roach.

    amazing shot :cool:
  12. BrokenTail

    Jackson's Babies

    I have 3 BlueBar Ambilobe, 1 male from ChameleonNorthwest and 2 from Chameleons101. All around 5 months old. Here's my Albums.
  13. BrokenTail

    Pics of your Veileds!(:

    I don't have anymore room from more chameleon, unless I build a cage for outdoor use. Beside am getting broke fast spending on all these chameleons and equipment, feeder price add up fast.
  14. BrokenTail

    Pics of your Veileds!(:

    They look like little dinosaur with that helmet thing "Don't know what's it call" :confused: sorry.
  15. BrokenTail

    Pics of your Veileds!(:

    All of those Veileds are awesome, too bad I don't have a Veiled. :D
  16. BrokenTail

    Its done. Please check it out!@!@!

    Great Job. It must of took a great amount of your time.
  17. BrokenTail

    Jackson's Babies

    There's alot of Pro's and Con's about hand/cup and free range hunting. We can go on all day about it. I free range some hand feed some. I don't free range dubia those guys like to hide so there good for hand feeding. Crickets like to climb to the top of the cage, but my chameleon still get them.
  18. BrokenTail

    Juvenile Panther Set Up

    You can get a 24x24x48 cheaper then a 24x24x36 from LLLReptile. I have a 5 month olds panther in there now doing great. I'm assuming you haven't got the equipment yet?
  19. BrokenTail

    Jackson's Babies

    Mine a bit lazy, only hand feed. I am trying to get them to free range feed. But my female don't give me a chance to throw the crickets into the cage. All my other chameleon free range feed.
  20. 100 1385

    100 1385

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