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  1. the retarded chameleons


    Po In memory of raimon my friend
  2. the retarded chameleons


    The hardest part about this was seeming how he go weaker over a very short time
  3. the retarded chameleons


    I woke up in the morning at 9:30 to find him so peacefully laying He died he was my best friend :(
  4. the retarded chameleons


    To answer some of your questions yes he's have access to water at all times but the disease is genetic and is dormant for a long time and it is impossible to cure but their still is a 50/50% chance that he will survive
  5. the retarded chameleons


    They gave him anti biotics and injections against kidney failure or something like that
  6. the retarded chameleons


    I took him to the vet lets just say the diagnosis was very un comfortable Ps he got injections:(
  7. the retarded chameleons


    i walked in to the room with my Cham today to Find him laying dawn at the bottom of the cage I brought him into my room and watered his mouth he accepted Now he gave movement but I'm still very worried Help needed asap
  8. the retarded chameleons

    HELP unknown bumps

    Oh god :(
  9. the retarded chameleons

    HELP unknown bumps

    Any help will be greatly apricated
  10. the retarded chameleons

    HELP unknown bumps

    for some reason my Cham started developing massive bumps on his joints
  11. the retarded chameleons

    Somthing wrong

    year and half
  12. the retarded chameleons

    Somthing wrong

    I live in Dubai uae He goes to sleep at 5 pm but the sun sets at 7 I'm very worried for my little guy:(
  13. the retarded chameleons

    Somthing wrong

    hello every body me chameleon hasn't eaten in a week I offered him Dubias crickets super worm bu nothing worked also I noticed that he is still quiet active but he gos to sleep vey early please please help I'm very worried
  14. the retarded chameleons

    Chameleon cannibalism?!!! (Video)

    And they're laughing :mad:
  15. the retarded chameleons

    Chameleon cannibalism?!!! (Video)

    This is stupid and ridiculous :mad:
  16. the retarded chameleons

    I think my Cham is dead ..

    Are the eyes open
  17. the retarded chameleons

    Clipping nails

    why not?
  18. the retarded chameleons

    Introducing Buckminster Bobbins!

    happy hatch day to bucky happy hatch day to you;)
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