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  1. the retarded chameleons

    super worm addiction

    and every time i feed that being every day i give him two supers and i dust them every time with micro calcium and Terra tit company - JBL
  2. the retarded chameleons

    super worm addiction

    well the problem is were i live that being Dubai there are no other worms
  3. the retarded chameleons

    Sick Chameleon

    i m so sorry i know exactly how you feel :( just know he is gonna be in a better place
  4. the retarded chameleons

    super worm addiction

    for the last 3 months one of my veiled chameleons got addicted to super worms and wont touch crickets is there any worry s i should have and how to regain his interest in other insects advise would be greatly appreciated :)
  5. the retarded chameleons

    Is it male or female

    There is no garanty at he/she age
  6. the retarded chameleons

    Is it male or female

    That is a female I do believe :p
  7. the retarded chameleons


    Then she must be addicted to silks try not feeding her silks for a week see what happens
  8. the retarded chameleons

    White goo

    I'm pretty sure it is a invasive fungus it might have grown becouse of to much humidity :/
  9. the retarded chameleons


    better feed her crickets or Dubia s they are high in nutrients;)
  10. the retarded chameleons

    Does your I chameleon smell like rotting food?

    weird i never noticed it and still don to_O
  11. the retarded chameleons


    she will take any worm just don t over do it with super worms or she will get addicted
  12. the retarded chameleons


    I think that probably ready to mate out of the two options you gave us and it also supported by the info you gave us;)
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