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  1. Shenanigans043

    Put my mind to ease

    So as stated in a previous post, this is my first chameleon ever. And I am just trying to stay ahead of any issues I see posted here continuously(been creeping in the background awhile). This little dude whom my 3yr old decided to name Bug has been awesome so far. First shed went smoothly, I...
  2. Shenanigans043

    Photos of My Beautiful Veileds

    Hot damm, if my boy looks half as good as Sage when he ages I'd be ecstatic. Beautiful Veileds you have there!
  3. Shenanigans043

    Garden globe planters

    I'd buy if I spotted this somewhere.
  4. Shenanigans043

    Mid shed

    Took him out for some natural rays. Hopefully he stays this sociable and easy to handle. So far he hasn't panicked with me feeding him, the misters kicking on, he's drank and eaten infront of me. Stayed pretty calm while in transport from enclosure to magnolia tree outside. And his colors really...
  5. Shenanigans043

    Mid shed

    Thabks! I am not sure on the age. He's pretty small. Maybe 4" mouth to vent. And I haven't decided on a name yet either.
  6. Shenanigans043

    Veiled Chameleon Care Sheet!

    Yeah. So this care has some issues and you should double check some of your tips. To the guy with the humidty issues. One problem you have is those cheap gauges are junk, and you honestly can't trust them at all. Spend a little, save a herps life potentially. Herps are not, and have never been...
  7. Shenanigans043


    Carrying eggs or not. Seperate them. She could not be carrying. Merely stressed and bullied because she's being house with a male, who may be trying to constantly breed.
  8. Shenanigans043

    Mid shed

    When I bought him yesterday he was showing now signs of shed. Within just a few hrs he started. Snapped this picnof him looking irritated getting it off, and he's nearly done. He was definitely showing the best coloring yesterday out of the group, so I'm excited to see how he colors up as he grows.
  9. Shenanigans043


    Don't disregard good advice. The fact he suggested more than a 10g is a huge plus to me. They need separated immediately. And I wouldn't bother incubating the eggs unless you already have buyers lined up. Leopard geckos are some of the most overbred and under cared for species on the market...
  10. Shenanigans043

    Easiest worms to raise

    Not really. I had my colony for like 2 years, and just kept a decent amount of beetles around. Never really did much in the way of timing growth rates or how long it took to actually see babies.
  11. Shenanigans043

    Easiest worms to raise

    Yeah it's pretty straight forward. Just remember to separate and gutload any supers you're planning to feed in the next few days.
  12. Shenanigans043

    Easiest worms to raise

    I had a pretty large colony of superworms for a long time. They are pretty simple. Just need some way to separate the superworms so they feel comfortable and will pupate. Individual cups, or just a large container of peat moss, something they can burrow into and be alone. Beetles will pop up...
  13. Shenanigans043

    Just brought him home

    Twice a month. Along with Herptivite twice a month.
  14. Shenanigans043

    Just brought him home

    Repcal is made from oyster shells.
  15. Shenanigans043

    Just brought him home

    Repcal phosphorus free without D3, everyday. Technically just today, cause I only purchased him today.
  16. Shenanigans043

    Just brought him home

    This is the best I can do right now without bothering him to much. Trying to let him get settled in.
  17. Shenanigans043

    Just brought him home

    Yeah I'm sure. Spurs are very noticeable. I'll just have to get a better picture of his back feet.
  18. Shenanigans043

    Just brought him home

    Up to 95° at the hottest spot. Tapering off into the low 70s at the bottom half of the enclosure. Different temps to catch uvb aswell. Plenty of choices for thermoregulation. Reptisun 5.0 HO along 2/3 of the enclosure. Monsoon with 3 nozzles set to mist every 5hrs. Screen top and very large...
  19. Shenanigans043

    Just brought him home

    Side note. Already watched him drink when misters came on. And hes smashed 10 crickets as well. Doesn't seem shy at all.
  20. Shenanigans043

    Just brought him home

    Picked this little guy up today. Wanted something a little bigger, but the larger were all females. And I didn't want to go with a female my first go around with chameleons. All the chams were very active, a few were in mid shed, and none seemed dehydrated. Anyways here the little guy is.
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