
Don't disregard good advice.

Male and female geckos should not be kept together on a continual basis. Leopard geckos normally shouldn't be housed together unless the tank is at least a 40 gallon breeder, however no males should be kept together with other males or females. The only time I have ever heard of keeping males and females successfully, is keeping a colony of females with one male in a 65-80 gallon tank. Leopard geckos usually don't do well when kept together long term in captivity because they are usually kept in rather small enclosures. The minimum for one Leopard gecko is a 20 gallon long. Colonies of Leopard geckos do exist in the wild, but their territories are huge.

The fact he suggested more than a 10g is a huge plus to me. They need separated immediately. And I wouldn't bother incubating the eggs unless you already have buyers lined up. Leopard geckos are some of the most overbred and under cared for species on the market right now.
I'm still not too sure about her carrying eggs though. She has lost her appetite,has gotten restless,sleeps all day and half the night,dose not want to be held, and I kinda see her waist bigger? But I'm not sure. I'll post a pic later today...
Don't disregard good advice.

The fact he suggested more than a 10g is a huge plus to me. They need separated immediately. And I wouldn't bother incubating the eggs unless you already have buyers lined up. Leopard geckos are some of the most overbred and under cared for species on the market right now.
I know. Could I put a piece of cardboard in the middle of the cage I already have? Because that's the only cage I have...
Carrying eggs or not. Seperate them. She could not be carrying. Merely stressed and bullied because she's being house with a male, who may be trying to constantly breed.
I actually got them from my friend and they where already together. I'm pretty sure they never had any eggs... but I don't think they ever checked. Is there any way I can make an incubator? Another option I could do is have my local reptile store watch them for me because I'm leaving to Florida next week.
You could just not hatch them. You already said you don't have the money to buy a 2nd setup for the male, how do you plan on taking care of the babies? They will need their own enclosure
You could just not hatch them. You already said you don't have the money to buy a 2nd setup for the male, how do you plan on taking care of the babies? They will need their own enclosure
Yea I know but I'm still not 100% sure she even has eggs. And it's not my fault If she does, again, I got these from a friend. When I got them, I only knew a little about leopard gecoks.. but I just set up a lay box and I'm gonna put it in there to see if anything happens.
Wait, so the geckos are over 5 years and have never had eggs. So I'm sure she's not pregnant but is she ever gonna have eggs?
That doesn't necessarily mean she's not pregnant now. If she's gravid it'll be because she is in a better situation. You said she was beING neglected. Most animale when not well taken care of will not produce eggs or birth young because they don't have the reserves. Just because you don't want it to be doesn't mean it isn't true. If she doesn't have the correct conditions to lay in, which means not being stressed, she will become egg bound. Either find the male or her a new home if you can't afford to take care of them correctly. It's harsh but true. You should join a gecko forum, they will tell you the exact same thing considering I am apart of two. They may be low maintenance but they do have basic needs and you apparently can't meet them. I don't mean to sound rude, I am just telling you the truth bluntly since you apparently keep side stepping what we are telling you. Look up online how tell when your gecko is gravid.
But I look at her tummy and see only pink. I'm not sure if it's because she's a diffrent morph? Or she's not gravid. At first, I saw a little white spot but looked again and saw only pink. She also showed no interest in the lay box. I ended up taking it out because it almost took up half the cage. Should I put it back in? Also I am very aware they shouldn't be together, and am trying to work on it...but no one else in my family will help because they belive if they've been ok this whole time, then they will do just fine now....:mad:
Here's a pic....


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She's not quite round enough that I can tell from above. It definitely sounds like she's stressed though
Should always have a lay box available. Also, they're primarily nocturnal, they should be hidden most of the day.
Oh thanks but I actually made one out of a small box and moist organic soil. Also, is there any way I can influence her to go in? So far she's only gone in twice...
Ok I know I'm freaking out... but the female has spent the past 2 days in her hiding cave and has slept all the time, even most of the night and moves around in the cave, and also only comes out like twice at night...
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