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  1. Bonsy

    Paradise - 5 months ( birthday boy )

    It's Paradises birthday he is about 5 months so i thought he would like to watch some TV but he decided just to stare outside, couldn't take him out due to 50 mph winds but i think he enjoyed it
  2. Bonsy

    Possible New Cham Owner

    i say a vieled because vieled still have colors and are pretty sweet
  3. Bonsy

    The cham room exploded!

    awesome chams dude, the pray mantis is dope to
  4. Bonsy


  5. Bonsy

    staying under the dripper

    figured it out, i just didnt mist him enough, i would spray his entire cage but not mist him, after misting him he seemed to love it and started being his energetic self
  6. Bonsy

    staying under the dripper

    hes a panther how can i get it higher? buy a different bulb? and 4 days
  7. Bonsy

    staying under the dripper

    He hasnt moved in 3 hours i mist him almost every hour and a half everything in the cage is good the temp in there is 78 at the basking spot and 73 near the middle he was very energetic today but after i got him out of the natural sunlight he just has stayed under the dripper i mist him alot but...
  8. Bonsy

    Let him go outside today

    i purchased mine from chameleons northwest but they actually advertised on this site, my enclosure is a hibiscus with some branches, it's kinda a jungle gym, my mist king should be coming in today within an hour or 2, right now i just spray down the whole cage every hour and a half because the...
  9. Bonsy

    Let him go outside today

    yea im in castle rock and its just looking awesome, the weekends looking nice to, but im a little worried because all he ate today was 1 cricket and he wont eat anything else and is just drinking water and getting misted
  10. Bonsy

    Let him go outside today

    So i live in Colorado and today it was in the 70's and my panther is really warming up to my he doesnt mind being in my hands, its the 4th day with him and hes just been doing great so i took him out on the deck and let him climb on some old bearded dragon stuff we had, he was outside for like...
  11. Bonsy

    My 4 and 1/2 month old ambilobe male

    he giant for his age to
  12. Bonsy

    He is Finally Here!!!

    he looks like an Oscar
  13. Bonsy

    My 4 and 1/2 month old ambilobe male

    thanks, he just runs laps almost all day but when i got him he was shy and had a little nip in his tail, but i love him
  14. Bonsy

    My 4 and 1/2 month old ambilobe male

    His name is Paradise
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