staying under the dripper


New Member
He hasnt moved in 3 hours i mist him almost every hour and a half everything in the cage is good the temp in there is 78 at the basking spot and 73 near the middle he was very energetic today but after i got him out of the natural sunlight he just has stayed under the dripper i mist him alot but he just lets the dripper hit his body. anyone have a clue? he also only ate 1 cricket today usually he eats 12 a day but he is refusing all other food, even the dubia's
what kind of chameleon? that is too low of a basking temp for a panther or veild. How long have you had him?
figured it out, i just didnt mist him enough, i would spray his entire cage but not mist him, after misting him he seemed to love it and started being his energetic self
you basking spot is way too low. I would have the basking around 90 or a little higher. at 78 he may not be able to digest his food. try a 60 watt white housebulb and see if that works. If not try a 75 and so on....
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