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  1. BClizzi

    Veil on a veiled chameleon going to get any bigger?

    She is very friendly and is my best friend. Thanks for the info
  2. BClizzi

    Veil on a veiled chameleon going to get any bigger?

    Darn. I wish i knew females where not as pretty and harder to take care of than males
  3. BClizzi

    Veil on a veiled chameleon going to get any bigger?

    So i have a 8 month old female amd i see all these pictures of beautiful veild chams with beautiful veils. Lizzys is small and not very pretty. When will it get bigger or will it not? Thanks :)
  4. BClizzi

    Fat or ready to lay eggs?

    Okay thank you very much.
  5. BClizzi

    Fat or ready to lay eggs?

    Okay thank you very much. So how do i know when to put her in the 5 gallon bucket to lay eggs?
  6. BClizzi

    Fat or ready to lay eggs?

    I really dont feed her alot. I feed her about 8 crickets a day and maybe 3 superworms
  7. BClizzi

    Fat or ready to lay eggs?

    Okay cool. Thank you
  8. BClizzi

    Fat or ready to lay eggs?

    Okay that scared me a little when it said "good luck lizzy" lol thanks for clarifying. I have her in a 5 gallon bucket with about 8" of top soil, a fake plant in the middle, and i started a hole for her. This should work right?
  9. BClizzi

    Fat or ready to lay eggs?

    I dont know what would cause her to be that fat. Is she okay?
  10. BClizzi

    Fat or ready to lay eggs?

    So lizzy is about 7 or 8 months old (estimated from good people on this website) and she has gotten really fat. I put a laying bin at the bottom of her cage for a week now and she has not touched it... maybe she is just fat? Lol cant tell. Help please
  11. BClizzi

    Chameleon black patch!

    No... i didnt know they do that... what do i do?
  12. BClizzi

    Chameleon black patch!

    This is the current set up.
  13. BClizzi

    Chameleon black patch!

  14. BClizzi

    Chameleon black patch!

    Okay ill try to get a pic for you
  15. BClizzi

    Chameleon black patch!

    Help! My female chameleon has a black patch on his side. Its even a different texture than his regular skin. I dont know how to attach photos. Its like a black patch of skin on her side. HELP
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