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  1. baldarthecham

    New chameleon owner I rescued him in bad shape HELP ME!

    THANK YOU! today was terrifying lol
  2. baldarthecham

    New chameleon owner I rescued him in bad shape HELP ME!

    I have the black tubes for them to crawl into but since he cant see he depends on me to pop it in his mouth lol do they need to be alive alive can they be dazed or "dying" till he can eat on his own? the one today kept grabbing his face he was so mad at me lol
  3. baldarthecham

    New chameleon owner I rescued him in bad shape HELP ME!

    Struggling with live crickets 😩any advise???? lol they are so jumpy! It’s terrifying! lol the one I gave him yesterday was alive, but it wasn’t as much of a fighter as the one I tried to do today we were unsuccessful and then it jumped at me
  4. baldarthecham

    New chameleon owner I rescued him in bad shape HELP ME!

    Hello me again. lol So once again reading online here lol what's everyone's take in a bioactive tank? Also is wire mesh vs glass enclosures? Ive been looking at tanks online. Fantasizing of him being better and me being able to give him a huge enclosure when hes healed and healhty. That's more...
  5. baldarthecham

    New chameleon owner I rescued him in bad shape HELP ME!

    That looks way easier than the one I am using, and I did just get a cricket in him and he swallowed it. It was lightly dusted. And again he’s acting extra feisty and his colors a lot greener today than it was yesterday and I also did change his pin yesterday so hopefully he was just angry and...
  6. baldarthecham

    New chameleon owner I rescued him in bad shape HELP ME!

    I think he pooped a little, but it looked white and no other color. I did manage to get some bug juice in him today when I made him angry because I was worried he was dehydrated, even though I’ve been spraying twice a day and have a humidifier at night.. I aimed for the blue. He bit down on the...
  7. baldarthecham

    New chameleon owner I rescued him in bad shape HELP ME!

    so his vent still looks the same. I didn’t try to squeeze anything out as helpful as that video was. I’m scared to try to do it on my own because I don’t have enough knowledge I don’t feel comfortable to do that and I don’t really have help. It looks like I might need an extra pair of hands to...
  8. baldarthecham

    New chameleon owner I rescued him in bad shape HELP ME!

    This is a worst case scenario situation... is anyone aware of any reptile recues in ohio? Im worried Thursdays vet bill is going to be more then i can handle. And i want to make sure he has a safe place to land if im unable to handle this. The original person who said he would take him. after...
  9. baldarthecham

    New chameleon owner I rescued him in bad shape HELP ME!

    Hello so read online chameleons can/spread diseases and parasites to humans and other animals????? Do I need to be concerned? The enclosure is in my oldest sons room. He here 50/50 since i share custody with his dad so its the chillest spot in the house and I also can close the door to give him...
  10. baldarthecham

    New chameleon owner I rescued him in bad shape HELP ME!

    Okay so I re-did the enclosure. I did a trick the Neptune lady did where she put sticks on the edges and then connected sticks to the sticks. If that makes any sense and then I zip tied my planters. I made sure that he cannot get to any of the zip ties. The ones you see in the picture he cannot...
  11. baldarthecham

    New chameleon owner I rescued him in bad shape HELP ME!

    Okay so these are safe?
  12. baldarthecham

    New chameleon owner I rescued him in bad shape HELP ME!

    So I got a bunch of plant donations yesterday most of them I already know were safe. There’s some that I am questioning. I know that they have to be nontoxic due to the chances of them might possibly be munched on so if you recognize any of these, not being safe, please let me know, I’m also...
  13. baldarthecham

    New chameleon owner I rescued him in bad shape HELP ME!

    That is brilliant!!!!
  14. baldarthecham

    New chameleon owner I rescued him in bad shape HELP ME!

    Thank you.. no moss. Remove rope. I’m getting a bunch of real plants today. And attaching branches then hooking the plants to the branches and adding plants to the bottom.. putting the shower curtain up. I plan on knocking it all out at once today I watched some videos from that Neptune...
  15. baldarthecham

    New chameleon owner I rescued him in bad shape HELP ME!

    also I need to clean the cage I slept in the same room as him last night and it smelled kind of weird. I don’t know how to explain it. I just knew that there was a cage in this room. Is that normal?
  16. baldarthecham

    New chameleon owner I rescued him in bad shape HELP ME!

    How much will it stress him out if I have to move his enclosure today? Changing his UV light and basking light. I’m moving it to his permanent spot and adding a plant and more sticks and possibly moss on the bottom and I’m also putting the shower curtain around the back of it to help with...
  17. baldarthecham

    New chameleon owner I rescued him in bad shape HELP ME!

    Thank you so much! I juts felt/knew he had a better chance with me cause I will try everyhting to help him! And yes whole heart is in it. It breaks my heart that people get animals They don’t know anything about if the situation was different. I wouldn’t have him like I would not have actively...
  18. baldarthecham

    New chameleon owner I rescued him in bad shape HELP ME!

    Aim for the blue makes more sense now lol
  19. baldarthecham

    New chameleon owner I rescued him in bad shape HELP ME!

    His name is the fathers name from the movie cone heads lol now I was given this enclosure and plan on upgrading as soon as I can, but this is what we are working with so far. I will be getting the better UV light next but he at least has one as before he did not! I’m working on replacing any...
  20. baldarthecham

    New chameleon owner I rescued him in bad shape HELP ME!

    Hello, thank you for all this information. Seriously thank you for helping instead of telling me to find him a new home. I do know someone that will take him if I feel like I can’t handle him. But this makes me feel so much better having all this information I felt like my head was spinning...
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